
I don't know if I personally would, just due to the (presumed) limitations of the Chrome OS. I don't have any personal experience with this particular OS, but it seems to be geared towards lower-end computer users (like my mom or aunt who primarily send emails & look up recipes).

Or persons in IT... some times its useful to know how to get into computer systems & make certain information ... disappear :)

Yeah, my understanding of that sentence was that Bordeebook didn't have the book in question in their inventory, but were going to buy it from Profnath (or some other source) & then send it to the customer... So Profnath's price + some profit == Bordeebook's price... Thus, Bordeebook always had to be slightly higher

Agreed! iOS has iTunes, give us Spotify. I'd love to see it on every Android device as a stock app. Maybe tweaked a little... Your Google account gets you an Open subscription, where you're on the 20hrs/month (well now 10hrs I believe) limit, and a $10-15/month subscription gets you the Premium unlimited play (on

Awesome! Thanks :D Glad you posted this.... over 20 miles to go to get to the closest ebook library :D I'll have to call sometime to see if I can get lending privileges considering I'm not in their primary demographic (they're in the next state over)...

The main advantage would be you instantly have everyone calling/texting your GV number without having to bother them with a "please update my contact information" request (which some may ignore). Then you can take advantage of all the cool features GV offers - like having your office phone ring instead of your

I doubt there's much to be done with devices currently "in the wild" but... Since new satellites are currently going up... Has there been any work on how to keep 4G from interfering with GPS? Change their broadcast frequency or strengthen it or something??

Working out is one area where I really don't infuse too much tech into my life. Usually when I go to the gym, I just take a small MP3/FM radio so I can jam out, or listen to the news or whatever happens to be on one of the TVs.

Way back when, early in my college career, I mentioned I should set something like this up for my computer, except I was going to do it so I could keep a social life - to force me to go out & interact with the guys on the floor... The guy I told this to is a much bigger geek than I... When I told him my idea he

I doubt there is one, but does anyone know of a website that might list ebook capable libraries (Kindle, Nook, etc I'm not picky)? Living in a small redneck'ville, our public library has only recently switched from VHS to DVD so I'm not seeing them adopt ebooks any time soon. It'd be nice to be able to check if

The comic reminds me of the "If you pirate DVDs" 'infographic/flowchart/whatever you want to call it

Why would HBO care if you're dropping your Cable Co in favor of their HBOGo service? HBO is still getting the $ for your subscription... Only difference is its coming from you directly now, instead of a large check from Cox or Time Warner or whoever services your area...

The last time I did this, USB drives were not an option.... I'm wondering... If I create the image onto a USB drive, is it still editable?

I haven't built a custom Windows for a long time (back before Vista was out)... I think if you google the name of the application you're trying to install you can find some flags to set.... for example "C:\firefox.exe -s" could install Firefox silently with all defaults selected (inc the yahoo toolbar) but

There should be programs you can find that'll show what key you used... AIDA32 is pretty useful, it shows you all kinds of stuff about your computer's hardware & software including the keys installed (Windows, Office, etc)...

I'm wondering that to... And if it'd be eaisly spoofed so non-subscribers might be able to use the app as well....

If you've jb'ed your device (or are OK doing so), you can install Tor, and set your exit nodes to just US sites... Then when you try to use the app, Sony will see you as coming from a US IP...