
Just as long as they don't do a dick move like Apple & force only in-app purchases.... Yeah fanboys, I said it :p

"having a 17-year old student of his play "strip video games," take a "chocolate syrup shower," and make a snow angel in *his* boxers. "

I'm assuming you used the filter to automatically set any email that comes from eBay to have the eBay label.... If so, there's also an option to have the messages to never be marked important... (or conversely always mark as important should the need arise)

This might be a stupid question.... But... did you also account for the various days you left early/late ? If you clock in a few min late each day, yeah your cutting off 262 dollars.... But if you stay a few min late each day you were late clocking in.... You could potentially make up that time at the end of your

Applications for this job can be found... where?

I'll second Spotify... locally cache your top x songs if you want, so you can play them wherever & as long as you have a data connection, you can access just about any other song you may want.

I don't know anything about flying, so I can't tell what info is actually being displayed in the pic (or if its even the actual app).... But I'd think something like this could be helpful.... Instead of just a map though, I'd really like to see maybe the app displaying the location of other near by planes... I've

Alright, I realized I forgot to mention something & I don't see edit comment any more so I'll just reply to myself.... Not the first time I've talked to myself :)

If you want to get the referral credit, you'll have to use a different computer.... If you just want to use the 2GB as extra space, you'll either have to log out of your current account on the computer & into your other (not sure if its possible, its designed for a single user as far as I know), or just use the web

Let me be the devil's advocate here.... and post an in-favor of comment.... While I do find this to be a bit of an extreme, there is one useful reason for the plastic bag.... With it in a plastic bag, I can now safely toss it into my book bag on my way to school, shove the book bag into my locker once I get there...

Now playing

If you dis-believe that video clip, you should check out the one they uses a jar of peanut butter to disprove evolution.... (**Note how the silver lid is lifted up a little after he takes the red lid off.... I know its to make it easy for him to open the jar.... but were the also curious if there was in fact new

A few years back I was doing tech support for my parent's PC... its a little on the slow side so I decided to switch them to linux (as it runs better on slower PCs than Windows)... My parents are both total techno-illiterates. Dad, for example, thought when we upgraded from dial up to a cable modem that the WHOLE

My first ever Computer Science class... First day the prof walks in "Welcome to Computer Science 101, this is the all male section...." I looked around, and sure enough... I transferred to a different (larger) school. The new school, while I was there... had I believe 3 or 4 female CS majors... 2 of whom

I hear you.... All of the providers are touting out their fast connection speeds (4G will let us connect around the same speed as our desktops) or all the nifty neat things you can do on your phone (youtube, netflix, etc).... and then, only once your salivating at all the possibilities, its "oh, you can only use

If he had a big ego... He might think that creating a new device that's really just an enlargement of a previous product is "magical".... and that anyone else's attempt to do the same with their products is "just a silly idea" because they coming out with "nothing more than a phone with a big screen"

I'll admit I hated doing work cited pages when I was a student... APA confused the hell out of me (still does).

I feel really unloved then.... Usually I spend an hour or so per visit in the store looking at the neat toys (er gadgets) they have.... I think of the last 3 or 4 visits I've maybe been asked "Can I help you" once...

There's one site I use to visit frequently that after installing ABP whenever I tried to open an article I'd get a "Ooops, it looks like your blocking ads, please disable this service before proceeding" type of error message... So some how apparently the site was able to check to see if I had ABP....

My first ever Computer Science class... First day the prof walks in "Welcome to Computer Science 101, this is the all male section...." I looked around, and sure enough... I transferred to a different (larger) school. The new school, while I was there... had I believe 3 or 4 female CS majors... 2 of whom

Agreed! I came up with a good (IMO anyway) idea for an iPhone app... Signed up to be a developer... only to find out I have to work on a Mac... A Google search gave me the best Windows solution "Just buy a cheap Mac".... The cheapest Mac I could find was over $1,000, and all I want it for is to write some code,