Finally, the coveted lipless weirdo demographic.
Finally, the coveted lipless weirdo demographic.
America I swear to Baby Jesus if we elect the man that the Dalai Lama is mocking we don’t deserve nice things ever again.
If I ruled the world, the inventor of the phrase, “Why don’t you lick me where I fart,” would receive a promotion…
He’s an American billionaire complaining about America’s limitation on a capitalist democracy. He doesn’t fucking know what cognitive dissonance means either, evidently. This is a dangerously stupid bad person motherfucker.
I started paying for Google Play when they absorbed Songza. I actually think they do a great job on their curated playlists.
There were a few actually very good looking in the list but they were graded on the curve.
I have heard that there is a lot of hype around the seventh-ish version of Apple’s telephone. I’m sorry to be so…
His poor wife.
You’re clearly in the pocket of Big Bondo.
He had a wife? Okay
taCorinthian Tuesday!!!
In short these aren’t the droids they’re named for. Kinda.
I’d almost gotten over his death. Why oh why did Dr Stein reopen the wounds, 3 months fresh!
Drew gets gets a contact high from being around all those doped up celebrities. That would explain his behavior. Also he's an asshole.
I get exactly what you are saying, but the tweet itself treats the surgeries, hormones, discrimination, etc. that “regular” transgender people have to go through as a joke.
The problem is that the people she’s tweeting about make their living from making their personal lives our business.
Is it possible to say something about one trans person without it equating to saying it about all trans people?
Having respect for transgender people and also believing Kaitlin Jenner may be a phony are not mutually exclusive points of view.
You’ve spoken my heart, Kara Brown.
What’s with that broken English, baby? You ever think maybe that’s why people won’t hire you? This. Is. America, baby. Learn it!