
As long as I don’t have to watch him on that ass awful Star Trek*, yes.

His scenes felt like they were edited out of a failed cop procedural recut as journalism. Admittedly noir is hard to do, especially on a topic that has been discussed to death. I think that’s what they were going for.

This short does in 30 minutes what 2 hour action movies repeatedly fail to do. Be fun, smart & creative. Mostly be just good.

That makes sense. It’d make more sense if the producers of the filmed tuned things that way. But Hollywood is rarely that smart of subtle.

The Flash TV show is strong enough now that I’d completely forgotten about a film version.

My review dreams come true.

That’s fine for Constantine. While the Flash went from silly to good it started from what it always was: an interesting but silly idea.

Now playing

My apologies. Let’s move on to something else.

“Who watches the evil meta human watchers?”

I know this’ll make unpopular. But I associate Deadpool with Marvel at its worst: The Liefield years. When shitty meant good.

The Flash started out with acting & production values of a bad Christian drama. It’s gotten sooo much better that, unlike Gotham, I look forward to seeing it.

Every episode -

Kinda doesn’t matter does it? It only serves the company’s weird demands.

Guess I could direct this movie, then.

I hope that Suicide Squadron is set in the late 90s early 2000s. ‘Cause between The Joker’s & Harvey’s style someone has raided an abandoned Hot Topic. Or it’s set in a really small town where people don’t know any better & still think that style is cool.

Well said.

He just wants to be the top grossing box office film director of all time. Seriously.

Frankly she was a little to much as if Ann B Davis were your mom. Sounds like fun but in reality not what the next gen nerds we’re looking for. Fortunately the strike ended, Roddenberry died & Beverly developed into an interesting character.

Maybe. But it’s not Leto’s fault they made him dress like a community college asshole. That sensibility, not his, may ruin his characterization.

Far better said than I.