Did he also mention something about even a broken clock is right twice a day?
Did he also mention something about even a broken clock is right twice a day?
Anyone know where they got the name? Kind of universally understood his contributions to science & tech was limited to stealing other peoples work & self promotion.
Kind of thought this was survival techniques less for foodie commenters to exhaust my patience 😉
Just like Kanye says, no one understands art.
Having never read/watched a single word of "Babysitters Club" I can say that I am proud that your Superfan-ish obsession with it has driven you to the point of being allowed to post it all out on Gawker media.
It's really nice that Miley would visit with that burn unit victim.
I get the impression Kim is pissed or extremely uncomfortable with Jenner's transition.
Is that her real picture or a stock photo? She's awesome.
I am sure more people watched it at your suggestion than did when it was live. Though I am mad at you for posting such blatant grandma clickbait because ZZZZZZZZ holy crap that was boring.
I thought Joan Rivers was dead. Did anyone make sure?
Where can I get Carrie out of that dress?
My impression is that when she is involved she raises all boats. She burnishes any bonefides that Armisen has and any that he most desperately wants.
Rorschach approves.
Unspeakably dull but not without its own merits. It is a powerful collection of individual What The Fuck moments.
Fuck this guy.
He's such a good person for admitting it.
If only the entire Fox News on-air personalities had moms.
Ask her to repost this but replace Sasha & Malia with Republicans. As teenagers at least they have an excuse.
Children's laughter. Thank you Hawaii and Ohio, I think.
Living by the beach must be nice but even Hawaii, who'd have good reason to claim it, didn't. It sounds so fucking self centered and indulgent.
Florida, New Jersey, Rhode Island & Maine are the Kris, Kim, Khloe and Chewbacca of our Great Nation.
ALL of Abrams stuff is a remake or retake on other tropes (with the exception of "Lost" which was bollocked into the ground) . Abrams work is best when it's traced over the hands of other before him. That's not to say he's done good work but it's to say that's when he'd done his best work.
Phineus & Ferb did it first.