
In a last ditch effort to save his favorite snack food & recoupe a significant gambling debt, author and comic legend Neil Gaiman (with permission from Warner Bros) penned what turned out to be a final comic book ad for Hostess cakes & fruit pies. The creative backlash was so severe that it caused long time Vertigo

Jesus went Old Testament on their ass. Early GTA.

These definitions are wrong how?

"Bind him hand and foot, and throw him into the outer darkness; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." Matt. 22:13

My problem with the alternative version of Red Tails is, while it's easy to hate asshole-American white dudes it's easier to hate Nazis. It'll be pretty hard for the Killer Crows or whatever to justify taking their eyes off of them, making the revenge quest that much less just. Or smart.

Who do you think of first when you hear the word 'Lawyer?" Allie McBeal or Atticus Finch?

How's 'bout SyFy creates a hybrid of a Good Anything with a Movie?

Do you mean that Twilight, like Robot Chicken is also unintentionally funny? Is so then yes.

SyFy is more interested in becoming the next Spike than it is the first Sci Fi anything. It's definately crystal fucking clear the suits all finished the finest mail order evangelical colleges in Fiji by some of their business and programming decisions. The business plan is once they start making Spike money by

3rd photo along under comics. Hela hot!

Sincerest thanks. But I'd rather no photos posted of the Wolverine film shoot than photos of nothing interesting at all of the Wolverine photo shoot.

Not entirely true. In "A New Hope" or maybe it was "Return" some kind of blocky font turns up on a ship's display screen. Or are you saying that the prequels are evidence that George Lucas is illiterate? If so, agreed.

You left out Neil Gaiman's Sandman. Gaiman's version overshadows Kirby's candy colored second generation & the golden age OG was fun looking but the stories were ultimately generic.

I know. Make up for it with a commercial having Jesus dying on the cross, briefly refreshed by a sweetfaced young kid watching the show offering him a cool, crisp Dr. Pepper. Despite being crusified, our Lord is looking cool & refreshed. Eyes closed He whispers "paradise" leading to the funny ending where the thief

I like how the red light dot under his eye looks like a panting tongue.

Once playing Gears 2 my team was matched vs, among other people, a profile with the name Cliff Bleszinski. This was during E3 or something like that. After a close win I decided to say something smart like "even the game creator sucks at his own game. I think I probably lost 2/3 of all matches after that.

What's everyone's problem with the Borg Queen? That was fine. The entire movie was just meh.

Guys of all backgrounds, geek though jock think it's normal to be treated like crap by other guys. Generally speaking our emotions/upbringing is tuned to react in violence not self loathing (neither is a reasonable option though not to be completely disregarded, either).

The author is using largely undistorted provable facts which may be what throws you off. I MIGHT vote for a Republican or 2 today if today's Republicans weren't almost exclusively fucking insane assholes. Using facts and such might brand her as a heratic (witches are now accepted in todays GOP as long as they are

Prediction: The talk of a Star Trek: Wrath of Khan remake will be more or less correct. Abrams will copy Jar Jar Binks creator George Lucas and rather than make a new film with new concepts it will trace the hands of previous work. Lucas barely made the prequels. They're a subjective recreatation of the pacing &