Promenade Percy


We've been eking it out… trying to make it last.

I can see that for The Killing. It was almost a word-for-word retelling of Forbrydelsen, but for me, it was long enough after I had seen that for it to be novel. And the direction and acting, for a US series, made it very worthwhile, especially as it was BTD (Before True Detective) - as the world is now delineated :)


Maybe not the shows, but the characters were the thing.

If it follows the lead of 'Low Winter's Sun'.


Don't spoil it! I haven't seen the latest episodes.

They are different. All are well-made. The originals are obviously the yardstick to which the rest are measured, but the remakes didn't disgrace themselves at all.

I completely disagree.

And brilliantly so!