

I don’t want to dissuade anyone from giving to charity, but Red Cross has been called into question about how much they use for actual charity. I donated through Save The Children, they have a very high rating and already had operations in Nepal. Still, better Red Cross then no one at all.

Ubisoft is conducting a charity drive to draw in more donations for the Nepal Region Earthquake Drive, the company announced today. The developer of Far Cry 4—a shooter set in a region inspired by Nepal—will match up to $100,00 in donations given to the Canadian Red Cross for disaster relief. You can donate here.

People with children.

Reader Brisngr loves the natural beauty of Nepal, and combined it with OS X Yosemite and a few Übersicht widgets

I can't believe I'm going to vote for this, but Viber is pretty impressive. My wife and I were out in the country for a weekend and only had EDGE coverage. She was able to call home with decent sound quality and zero latency in the call. Also, it seems to be able to seamlessly move from Wifi to cellular coverage

Sounds like there's some weird stuff going on here... lots of people just getting a "Hello world!" screen. Mine seems to be working, but I can't login - I'm just seeing a create account page that tells me my username is already taken?

i don't think you're an evernote user, Thorin, but instead of instapaper, pocket, and readability, i much prefer evernote clipper and evernote clearly.

I think that Evernote Web Clipper should of been mentioned. I use it everyday, it makes easy to save things you want to keep without actually writing a whole note out. I could use bookmarks the same way but I prefer using evernote because I can access it anywhere. I use it for programming tips, ideas, diy projects,