
Great Ass Daily @GreatAssDaily

Glad that got nipped in the bud. Nothing worse than slanted journalism.

I think my favorite part of all this Manning drama is that the networks are afraid to report on it much since they all want to hire him as a broadcaster.

Couldn’t get “stupid horse in a recliner” to load.

Suspecting it looked something like this?

I hope she deleted all of my pics.

I hope she gets the help she needs.

In lieu of the standard “I hope he gets the help he needs”, I will offer the same “fuck you” I gave to Greg Hardy.

When they cut to Peyton sitting in the locker room as the representative of the Colts’ Super Bowl victory, he was drinking a Gatorade in front of a pallet of Gatorades. Papa John was also one of the first people whose hands he shook as the game was ending. He is very, very good at this.

Pretty disgusting that Manning would use this opportunity to shill for Budweiser. Especially when he owes this win to Miller.

Or he’s such a commercial whore he can’t help throwing in his endorsements whenever possible. He’s hardly shy and retiring given he and his fivehead show up on my TV screen every 15 minutes on the dot.

I’m disappointed there aren’t more football parodies, like I Cam Three Times and Pay to Manning: The Rentboy Chronicles and He Surprised Me in the Kubiak.

Worst-selling Yankee Candle of all time.

Any reports suggesting this will be Pitino’s last year are premature.

I’d say that didn’t take long but we’re talking about Louisville

Nice gesture by FOX to younger viewers tired of watching Donald Trump grind on Megyn Kelly.

Anchor Julie Stewart-Binks suggested he should dance for her.