Prole Hole

I liked the movie. It’s a shame Cameron is too busy shooting Avatar 2 through 10, despite never having written a script for the first one.

I remember thinking T3 was ok, though it’s been a long time. Salvation was so unmemorable I basically can’t recall anything outside of Christian Bale’s off screen meltdown, and the less said about Genysis the better.

Picard’s vineyard viewed from literally any other angle:

That movie is so amazing. I love the chase scene around the old folks’ spa.

I was incredibly underwhelmed by Aquaman.

Micole Kidman was miscast as hell.

I really like it too. I actually just rewatched it last week and I thought it moved really well (I had to pause it at one point and was surprised there was only half an hour left). Despite being an MCU fan, my least favorite parts are the big final battle action set pieces because they usually go on too long for my

“Some other series also had a bad season 1" is hardly a defence of season 1 itself! At best, it’s a suggestion that DIS may do better, which is indeed quite possible. Also, I find TNG 1 to be better despite more than a few clunkers (the episodic format has this advantage where one can just skip bad episodes, while

Well, I loved Voyager. Even though I know that The Next Generation was better written and that Voyager has more than its share of clunker episodes, Voyager has become my favourite Star Trek series. It has aged remarkably well, as I have enjoyed discovering during recent marathon viewings on BBC America.

In fact, it would be fair to say that a new Doctor doesn’t truly snap into focus until they’ve gone up against those genocidal pepperpots.