Prole Hole

Because you were loaded?

It’s OK, the Sea Devils have always sucked. There literally isn’t one single good story they’ve ever been in, and Warriors of the Deep is (somehow) worse than Legend of the Sea Devils. Chibnall can be blamed for many things but not that.

The people of North Ireland want to stay with the UK at a ratio of at least 2:1.” This is flatly untrue. For the first time in Northern Irish political history, elected Unionists are in a minority. As per the 2022 Stormont elections, there are 37 DUP MPs, 35 Sinn Fein MPs and 18 “others”, the majority (a slender

This one - Big Finish aren’t up to pulling a Colin Baker and haven’t been for a good decade.

To be clear, I’m not saying Ice, Ice Baby is good - it’s shit. Just a bit less shit, is all.

Ice Ice Baby is a better song than Under Pressure.

Cocker’s version of With A Little Help From My Friends is shit. Always has been, always will be. Ringo’s is just perfect as is.

It’s less bad, I’ll certainly concede that, but that’s not a synonym for good.

Can we just admit Dancing in the Street is a crap song at this point? The Jagger/Bowie version sucks, but so does every version.

And Red Red Wine is shit too.


Thank goodness for physical media.

Also Generations, the worst Trek movie of them all.

Not even the worst TNG movie.

I shall look forward to the accompanying porn.

I think the absolute most frustrating thing about the Chibnall era is that so many of his instincts are good but he either lacked the time, money, or ability to make them work. OK, the Timeless Child stuff is total bullshit but every era has total bullshit - it’s no worse than “half human on my mother’s side”, “Theta

He’s every bit as radical a leftist as Ben Elton.

Counterpoint - Elfo suuuucked so hard. Pretty but pointless (but at least pretty).

Same thing happened in Logopolis, and it’s still one of the best stories ever to be broadcast. The Master wipes out vast swathes of the universe and it’s literally never mentioned again - nor do the Time Lords turn up and say, “eh, maybe we should intervene here”, something they can’t do in the modern series for

The days of Big Finish being able to redeem anything are a good decade in the past, sadly (I speak as someone who’s recorded 180 podcast episodes on BF - their best days are long gone). Our best hope is she gets a sympathetic showrunner in the future who can pen a decent multi-Doctor story, and Jodie herself seems