Prole Hole

Given how terrible the end of the last season was I’m find with them ignoring it.

The irony being, of course, that Abba only really produced one disco album (Voulez-Vous). Most of the earlier stuff - “Mama Mia”, “Waterloo” etc - is squarely glam and predates disco. 

The Visitors isn’t a pretty good album, The Visitors is one of the Top Ten best albums of the 80's and would get considerably more respect, I suspect, if it didn’t have the name Abba on the record sleeve. I recommend everyone go listen to it - it’s genuinely stunning (and, like everyone, I wish “The Day Before You

The Man With The Golden Rum


It’s not very good.

Well we all get lonely.

Seconding the Crash Landing On You recommendation - it’s fucking great.

Lucifer worked out well.

The Martian is one of the most tedious movies I’ve ever sat through. Why it has a reputation for anything other than a cure for insomnia completely escapes me.

A touch late I know, but I think a lot of the problem people have with the aliens in Crystal Skull is not that they’re harder to accept it’s that they’re in a different genre. Face-melting-godboxes, mystical jungles and Life-Giving Magic Sippy Cups all exist firmly within the genre of myth/fantasy and aliens exist

Much to my surprise I really rather liked it.

WandaVision - like that Supernatural episode “Changing Channels”, but a series!


So... this is basically Spin City for the 2020's? Eh, could be worse.

Limited availability is exactly why Walsh is leaving and isn’t in this much. He’s on a lot of UK TV shows and just can’t fit Doctor Who in any more.

If only Joan Sims were still around to play Sybil.

Jim Beaver seems like a perfect type for Vimes.

Thanks for replying eleven years later. Time is relative, and all that! If you’re deeply interested in my takes on Star Trek movies, they’re all here.

Worth pointing out that Die Another Day didn’t kill anything, it was the most financially successful Bond movie in history until it was eclipsed by Casino Royale. It may be critically slated but it was phenomenally popular at the box office. Don’t mistake fan consensus for actual reality.