
Because apparently he doesn’t have enough money to make his own shoe...

Kanye west has never been anywhere near self aware...

Yet.. Alcohol totally normalized. All other drugs stigmatized... Makes sense.

That is the most fuck off rich snarl I have ever seen. He looks lovely.

He took a job. Seems pretty fucking normal to me.

You’d think after spending time in England, she’d learned to take a joke..

Both. Maybe. We’re not totally sure tbh.

I'm not like the regular moms, I'm a cool mom.

Kris Jenner is the literal worst (possible the Devil herself) and that video with Kendal makes no sense?! It’s fucking awful. And that girl wouldn’t have a chance in hell as a model otherwise. Fuck I’m tired of these awful people. Oh and Kim, your porn was boring and awful too.

Is the sky blue? Yes. Is rape taken seriously? Generally, no.

She was a refugee. *eyeroll*

Not bad for a former refugee. Maybe there's a message there.. Just maybe.

Yeah I mean MIA did alright for herself eh?!

Naaaah I've seen her in person. It's nuts. Lol

Who else could write a banger about the refugee crisis and well like everything going on today?! Only MIA. She's so amazing.

That was her previous video. For swords/ warriors.

OMG my iTunes now goes from borders straight into swords and it’s the best thing ever. She is brilliant beyond words!

Don’t forget, she was a refugee herself.

Because she brown and a woman. Hell even Jezebel shits all over her most of the time. Yet she is feminist as HEEEEEEELLLLL and probably the most relavent artist post 9/11. I guess people like her with a strong message will always be on the edges.

Seriously. How has not one publication grasped that she herself was a refugee?! That’s the point! Look at them and they are me. She may have pretended for a video but she actually did do a similar journey. I mean have you not listened to even one of her songs or, oh I don’t know what, paid attention to the