Oddly, I have my Kinect plugged in. This commercial has been on plenty of times. never turned mine on.
Oddly, I have my Kinect plugged in. This commercial has been on plenty of times. never turned mine on.
Sorry to say, but if you ask me, this is just overreacting much. There's mostly dudes in video games, yea. But those games are pretty much all about action, violence, fighting. It's the same with movies, where most protagonists of movies of such genres are dudes as well.
Something, something, political correctness run amok; something, something, this doesn't affect me, therefore it shouldn't affect anyone else; something, something, poorly-formed straw man argument about men's rights.
Unity does not feature a separate multiplayer mode. During single player you may choose to activate co-op missions, which will include other people who are also going through the single player game. During these missions, you continue to see your character as Arno, the protagonist, while the other players IN YOUR GAME…
And the fact that this has now been upgraded to a "controversy" boggles my mind.
Sub-zero making a frozen copy, and then chucking it at Scorpion was the highlight for me.
What? I've got a PS4, and a One, but aside from Bloodborne I've seen very little that's impressed me from Sony.
Why would you want to fix this? This glitch is more exciting than anything in the game.
you're welcome for all of the improvements we've made, mate. ;)
That's cool, because it was created in 2003.
I know this was a big problem with the Kinect on the 360 - in my old apartment, I had major issues with the space it needed.
Ok....it seems kinja ate my comments that were supposed to be under the picture. Damnit.
Suffice to say I think the designs are fine, faces aren't the best but as Peter Laird said; They could be good in context within the film, they might work.
Raph looks beat up and scarred, fits him perfectly for a rebel that just…
It's not Jet Set without graffiti.
I don't think we need 4K for awhile. I think 60fps and 1080p are the standard and it's gonna stay that way until 4K equipment drops down in price. I don't care how good it looks, I will never pay more then 150 for a monitor. It's just a monitor, and 150 is pushing it.
#0 attach a PC to it as monitor running xbmc/vlc/whatever and control it from your cellphone/tablet/wireless keyboard+mouse. There you will have most online services, your video collections. Your SmartTV won't be as smart as your pc as the world keeps changing while your tv won't.
I am clairvoyant, so I don't need to see it to know that it will suck, just like Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight. Also, my consciousness time travels, so it will impact my childhood. Somehow. And I don't know what a producer does, so I will assume that everything in this movie is because of Michael Bay. ANd how dare…
No, Inafune's answer to the lack of quality is starting an independent studio.
This looks pretty fun. With a little polish, and a decent story, they might have an indie darling on their hands.