Considering this game is also going to be released on the 360, the PS3, and I believe the Wii U, my guess is this answer is bullshit and the real issue is the fact that they are trying to run an engine optimized for last gen on a next gen console.
Considering this game is also going to be released on the 360, the PS3, and I believe the Wii U, my guess is this answer is bullshit and the real issue is the fact that they are trying to run an engine optimized for last gen on a next gen console.
You're Not Just Marrying Your Partner, You're Marrying His or Her Family Too
Marriage is permanent. It isn't the temporary "In Love" feeling, it is a conscious choice that you both make every day to love the other and take care of each other.
I disagree with this. My wife and I never would have done a pre-nup, because we don't even consider divorce an option. 'til death.
yeah not to disrespect your point, it's incredibly brave to fly casevac into fire, but there's no way that rattling is incoming fire. For a start it's regular groups of 3. Maybe someone firing an M16 FROM the helicopter?
First, before I make certain people angry at me: this man is a damned hero, and I'd be absofuckinglutely proud to salute this gentleman. Now for a correction: Marines are NOT soldiers. We're Marines. Members of the US Army are soldiers. Members of the US Navy are Sailors. Members of the US Marine Corps are…
I like the real name stuff, as long as they keep it so that people who you don't know see your tag, and then give you the option for your friends to see your real details.
Invert is right.
The way I think about it is this:
Imagine the back of someone's head with a controller thumb pad sticking out the back of it. For those of you who need a visual, let's use Valve's logo (assume the valve is a thumbpad):
The Congress is acting in accordance to it's rights and privileges within the law. I would expect most people on this site to understand this (this site has a very large liberal community that doesn't like to read news sources that don't review video games), but when you can't agree on a spending budget you can't…
As someone who has a masters degree in economics the president is using pretty poor and inherently incorrect analogies to describe this situation.
Yes, all those horrible, evil Republicans who don't want to spend money we don't have on a system that BOTH sides agree has lots of issues that still need to be worked out. Not saying this is the best way to go about refuting Obamacare, but this is a case where both sides are guilty of different things. It takes two…
Yes, liberals agree that it is Republican's fault.
3.) In Massachusetts, It's Illegal To Have A Bro Truck
Gotta go through a gazillion episodes powering up first.
<3 Desert Combat
Cloth seats are the most underrated thing in modern cars. Screw slippery and scratch prone (full) leather, screw stain magnet that is alcantara, and screw vinyl just because. Give me nice dark cloth with very tough leather bolsters and I am happy.
Some males expect something in return, but men, gentlemen, do not.
Admittedly, I've never heard that many complaints when it comes to the PS3 controller, but the pro/cons of removable/interchangeable batteries is certainly a hot button issue when it comes to laptops, phone, tablets, etc. (though admittedly those gadgets are much more expensive to replace than your standard…