
What do you mean with I said that they were “never accepted in the community”? If it wasn’t clear, I’m from Europe so I’ve got no clue what’s going on there in America. All I said is that I was shocked to find out same sex marriage wasn’t legal in the states because I was raised in a culture where we don’t actively

You’d be surprised how much of what you think is “culture”. I very vividly remember my feelings of horror and disgust when a few years ago I found out that same sex marriage wasn’t legal everywhere in America. Likewise, instead of the marriage I have now with the most amazing, beautiful and intelligent woman in my

No one is saying anything of the kind. Abuse and rape are completely different things from sexual orientations.

What? No I agree, rape has nothing to do with sexual orientation whatsoever? I was talking about pedophilia

Oh my bad, I got confused. You were referring to the statutory case from my comment, but as 13 is technically not pedophilia I didn’t immediately got the link and misunderstood what you were getting at.

Its not the same thing as molestation but like homosexuality it is a sexual orientation

Except it’s the same thing. Denouncing something because it was produced by someone with a different sexual orientation

To be fair, I can’t imagine what it must be like to live your entire life unable to have a romantic partner because you’re born with a certain taste. Or at least not in our current culture anyways. At least homosexuals no longer get stoned in the streets so you win some you lose some I guess.

Ummm... and why can’t he? Its not like they suddenly became bad movies. Likewise, Kill Bill isn’t suddenly *not* a masterpiece just because Tarantino approved of his friend having “allegedly” consensual sex with a 13-year old. Is your meal prepared by a 5 star cook suddenly not tasty because the cook is gay?

I too, believe that the american social structure where a vocal minority was raised is right and theirs is wrong. Instead of getting over our differences or letting them acclimate to the rest of the world we should keep imposing our beliefs on them aggressively.

Disclaimer: I’m a European where our age of consent is

Well the age of consent is around the same in Europe (15/16) as well as most of the world. It’s a lot less shocking to people outside of the states

Oh man, even though the guy in question is into teens. This still made me spit out my drink, what are the odds

Pursuing relationships with 15/16 y/o’s is considered legal in most of Europe and there’s no problems here. People seem to focus way more on the age difference than the abuse of fame and power which was the real problem. And on a personal note, I wouldn’t even consider 21 y/o an ‘adult’

It seems very few people can actually handle fame

Where does it say it was sexually predatory behaviour? Cause this seems kind of consensual to me. I get this is America and all that but if 21 y/o’s pursuing relations with 15 y/o’s is cause for suspension that would exclude about half the world from competing

It’s a retelling of the original manga with some alterations here and there.

Thanks for the heads up, now I know I can skip it!

Seriously though... going to prostitutes so you won’t develop feelings...

Again, and for the last time. You misunderstood what I meant by “coming on strongly” and therefore, there is no argument.

You need to take a few steps back, sexual assault is way to far in the deep end of the interaction spectrum that I’m talking about.

Well I get your point, and I’m well aware how terrible I am socially. Which is why I can say with a straight and honest face that I’ve never made advances on a girl ever, thinking that if a girl likes me she’ll make the first move. In my post I was just lamenting the unsuccessfulness of this approach and how articles