What a chicken shit answer. Healing circles? Gtfo here with that nonsense.
If we ever got a Metroid 64, I envision that it would have played alot like Jet Force Gemini.
That’s what I’ve thought for a while: the cycle is a circle.
That’s...a pretty awesome idea actually.
I’m blaming my watery eyes on allergies.
Who the fuck is cutting onions in here?
Yeah, the median price in Memphis is down but have you been there?
It figures: I just fucking bought (and beat) Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion 😖
I tell my youngest (18), “Love you kiddo, and remember: no hood rat shit.” It’s a stand-in for ‘be careful’ and ‘be good,’ and he understands what I mean when I say it.
For Paul’s next stunt, he should do “Who’s On First?” with a puma. He can wear his Pikachu card for that too!
Honestly, I’m not disappointed in a slow month. I’m relieved. I can’t keep up with everything coming out now. The last couple of GamePass games I played, I had to make time to try them before they fell off the service. Even then, some of them fell off before I ever got to play them.
1.1 Point Hospital
“Offensive” is subjective. Their rules seem to forget that homonyms are thing.
Imagine this scenario:
❗ENOS Lives
Aryan vs. Predator?
Nintendon’t give a $hit.