
... next they’ll be coming for the rest of Conservative Culture!


Probably could have put some sort of American flag with a skull or rifles on it like some tacky shit you’d see on r/iamverybadass.

It’s Tennessee. They’re selling any scrap metal they can for meth or pills.

This is going to be my new twitter handle.

Papa John’s is still the absolute worst imho

“Here’s a a pizza made on a crust of fried chicken topped with kimchi and matcha flavored Kit-Kats.”

The only thing I want less than another N64 controller is Chris Pratt as Mario.

Kelly’s former bodyguard: “I Believe I Can Lie”

There’s some dirty, kinky shit in that book of fables.

Ezekiel 23:20

Sinner, Sinner! Chicken Dinner!

This game is...just not fun. And I can’t force myself to like I eventhough I want to.

I ordered mine from Wish. It looks a little different.

A blonde surfer bear that likes surfing (duh), nature, and solitude while disliking insensitivity and city life...

We’re all flawed, and that’s alright! :) 

Dude looks like he’s gonna ruin my life and I’m gonna let him.

I hated Eric from the first conversation, but I guess we’re supposed too. I actually didn’t like Sunder either. I knew he was just a fuck boi pretending to be sincere. Valeria seems sweet, but seems like she moves too fast. I wasn’t down with any of Rowan’s angsty non-binary goth bullshit. Sawyer just didn’t click

We were a Go-Bot household.

Do you use a step-down transformer with it? I use one with the Famicom I purchased years ago. I know some people use their Japanese consoles and appliances without them and report no problems, but I’m a little more cautious.