Prog rock is gay

Meanwhile ESPN pulls an Asian sports announcer because his name is Robert Lee lol

All this anti-Nazi sentiment in the newswire… biased much???

Definitely one of the better things of later half Breaking Bad for sure

Well, that was ironic given last Sunday Morning, I guess. Man

His father pulled him aside and basically said he didn't know how to kill Aku but Jack would if he followed his heart…?

A rehesh you might say…

A rehesh you might say…

huh, so, race doesn't matter if it's just VA?

Xbox music is pretty good though

It'd be sort of sleazy to try and profit from something like this. And don't forget, these celebrities have really large, expensive houses.

This just makes me respect Jonah Hill even more, I guess(which doesn't say much)

And here I thought the people in Mane were weird.