Not a troll. Just speaking the truth.
I don’t have a college degree and make a high six figure salary in the tech industry. How does that make you feel, Mr. Fancy Pants college grad? Your super important college degree doesn’t mean shit.
Oh for god’s sake, go fuck yourself. If a woman was ever capable of being a US President, we would have one by now. Fact of the matter is, no woman has stepped up to show Presidential qualities. Hillary is far from it and you’re all fucking dolts for thinking you’re part of some movement to elect the first female…
Just because a handful of people from a particular place are “wonderful” doesn’t make the place they came from wonderful. Wonderful people usually leave shitty places. Shitty people stay in shitty places.
Great asses. Very spirited.
And do you also understand that what a politician says during an election and what that elected person actually does in office are generally very different? Just look at our boy Obama - promised the world to the ignorant masses and did very little of what he “promised” in terms of policy.
“the fact that he could very well crater the US economy with his policies”
“Preparing to make due with less...”
You sure are making some radical assertions there, smarty pants. You know more about people than the people themselves.
What a fucking moron, you are... you really think “the end” will come with a Trump election? Why don’t you just pack up your shit and fucking leave you asshat?
It’s stupid liberal humor. Don’t waste your time trying to understand it.
Unfortunately simple math has a funny way of undermining a vote for an alternative candidate.
“Wants to bring back waterboarding and kill suspected terrorists families...”
I never ever thought I would say this, but, stick to writing.
When you have your girthy dick in the proverbial mouth of the cocksucking liberals all the time, you’re bound to forget to pull up your zipper.