
WTF are you even talking about? Expense of country’s soul? You people could never be happy. Even if Amazon gave you a finger you would want the arm instead.

Hope you are right...I was holding off on putting the money back into stock market. Until the other shoe drops..

Gizmado 20 something opinionated kids writers fresh out of Marxism indoctrination camps we call Universities these days....scramble to feed their audience constant stream of Trump hate propaganda.

Just let her go! It’s her choice. Postpartum abortion. Every leftist should be OK with that. 

Why is it sad? Did you know her? Were you there during her transition. Did she leak national secrets to you personally? Why T F do you pretend to care? Does it makes you feel like you doing something good to show pretend care?

Question to the 20 something Gizmodo writers that know everything about business and finance after graduating with a huge debt in Gender Studies.

Psst...20 something gizomodo writer with a student debt has all the answer on proper global transitioning. All it takes is to take from the rich and give to the poor. The poor obviously have it all figured out.

Yes he now commands the Starship Antifa. :)

It didn’t take long for the SJW writers at Gizmodo to turn a pandemic into a racial oppression Olympics.

Let’s see......Rotten Tomatoes Audience score of what? 16 :)

Everyone PANIC! The END IS NIGHT! The bananas already went extinct along with coffee and killer bees have killed most of the population. Those who survived are now recovering from global cooling that progressed to the next stage of warming. Wine is next....will the beer survive? Only our prophet Greta Thunberg has

Must be global warming right? :) Everything is just bad all around you and the walls are closing in. Perhaps it’s time for a psychiatric help. 

Repeat after me.....correlation does not equal causation!

No, in no way am I denying redlining or real racism of the past. Redlining ended around 50 years ago. My arguments does not argue the past but present situation of contemporary America where white-privilege does not exist and is used a a divisive political tool.

Now playing

Lol thats only assuming you data was compiled the right way and that there was no motivation for anyone compiling the data not to have a specific result to justify their research.

Speaking of your understanding of the argument. More likely is that first 2 1/2 minutes are not wrong, they are simply inconsistent with an imprinted ideological narrative you use to navigate the world around you. Very typical of someone who views the world through a lens of perpetual oppression &

Yes it is in the upside-down world... after you graduate with a gender studies degree. Also in that world sky is green and grass is blue and an average janitor makes as much as an engineer.

Oh really? What color? Are Asians statistically more likely to be living in poverty? What about blacks who live in US from various African countries that have statistically higher income than whites. You have a fundamentally basic and a surface level understanding of the problem.