
Remember folks anyone who holds opinions and views dissimilar to mine is stupid. Also, every lawn in any other country out there is greener than the lawn in the ol’U.S. of A.

Unbelievable, your ultra-liberal hatred for Trump actually makes you defend one of the biggest tax cheating corporations around. Amazon earned $5.6B in 2017, but paid no federal taxes

I beg to differ, you are definitely dumber.

Because surprisingly Trump is actually on the way of becoming one of the most effective presidents in our recent history. I didn’t say the nicest, most pleasant or liked....but actually getting things done and all in a first year in office.

Now playing

How does it feel to speak to the echo chamber?

I’m outraged! Someone somewhere should do something about it!

Seriously are you saying that you do not approve of a transgender, homosexual attire choices. You wouldn’t be a transphobic here? I thought io9 is a publication welcoming to gay, transgender culture?

Precisely but in today’s PC cultural environment kids like Justin T. are thought that asking difficult questions is a form of a mico aggression. Yet (In theory) they have all the answers to situations like NK...which as you have noticed he offered no actual valid solution.

Now playing

One day you will no doubt mature and reflect upon what I said. In the meantime:

You Sir are a true, racist. The most dangerous kind (one who isn’t even self aware of how racist he is) are seeding friction and actual division that promotes racism. In other words folks like you are undoing the years of progress, instead of unifying people together you are opening fresh wounds and creating a

This is a modern Social Justice Warrior dilemma. He may or may not be a child molester, but also now that he came out as Gay he is also a new member of a protected class. Oh what to do?? Processing Error....

I see someone called in a science defender boy with a touch of Grammar Nazi mixed in to the rescue. Arrogant, self-righteous people like you Sir, are the reason Trump is in power right now.

Grown man buys a $800 for a toy, meanwhile whole swatches of a US population (probably kid next door) go to bad hungry. I’m glad that this problem doesn’t only exist with a greedy evil republican elites. But that some more liberal Gizmodo stuff can join in on the action of promoting wealth inequality. :)

If you are a Tmobile customer you should not buy this phone as it does not feature the new updated Tmobile LTE spectrum that is much better at penetrating through walls and have a large coverage in the countryside. Apple did not update their LTE in time to accommodate this TMo spectrum.

We all knew it instinctively but this explains why large swatches of the population or zombies.

OK so the climate is changing. Partly due to man made causes and partly due to possibly natural cycles ala (but not limited to): Earth’s magnetic field reversal which happens around every 800k years and so on and on...

Never seen the show. I will admit I have developed a new-show engagement paralysis due to overwhelming amount of content out there.

It’s called false equivalency. Got to die of might as well smoke, do drugs, text & drive with no seat-belts....and the list goes on.

Since you brought SW, problems with new start wars run deeper than Jar Jar. I think that the story has run it’s coarse. It’s like Gone with the Wind, sure it’s a classic but we hold moving making to a much higher standard might still value it highly due to nostalgia but fact remains it’s dated.

Just curious, are people not concerned with private bio-metric data in the hands of corporate/governmental entities at all? Are we so lazy that we would give away every bit of privacy in the name of free stuff of little couch convenience. There isn’t a day where data isn’t hacked, there is no such thing as security in