
Bollocks on that. The GM does a huge amount of work in establishing the social compact known as “the game.” Your desire to play a gnoll, kobold, or antlion threatens the integrity of the game if it is supposed to be at all serious. Playing a monstrous race in a group of standard humanoids adds a huge complication to

He represents the values of Fox News, which is basically the same thing anymore. I do like how that monster’s come back to chew off the GOP’s face.

This modern phenomenon of announcing you’re going to announce something is weird as fuck if that’s what you’re talking about.

Surprising, given the Donald’s reputation for empathy. /s

Damn, there’s still something about seeing a rocket take off that puts a special feeling in my heart.

King of Kong is unreasonably compelling.

That clamshell hinge broke pretty damn easy tho

Someone big in anime, I want to say Tezuka, said that the whole game is about elegant cheats to get the desired effect in a cheap/easy way. When you look at it that way I find it much more forgivable, maybe even admirable in some circumstances.

Oh, there’s a off-brand porn version coming out, Kotaku covered it.

Technically you can still play 3, 4, 5, and now 6, plus spin-offs Alpha Centauri and Beyond Earth.

Saturday night the full moon was glorious but Sunday it was too cloudy to see shit where I am in Korea. Looks like it was the same in Seoul.

Yo, that owl looks fly af

2nd’d. I bought it and found that the AI didn’t quite feel right, but was considering scooping up the expansions if it would help (which doesn’t make sense, but if it had gotten better in my absence...)

Yo, where to cop those sunglasses tho

Yeah, as someone who’s been depressed since adolescence I am really grateful that my friends haven’t followed this rule.

Poets tend to be difficult people.

Wow, yeah she’d be great. Idk if I’d vote for her, but her public visibility definitely gives her potential as a candidate.

And on a broader scale, dodging the Trump bullet doesn’t really solve the problem Trump represents, it just gives it time to recoup for 2020.

Those rumors spread in an era before internet porn. Gangbang barely even raises an eyebrow anymore. My first response was “is this just a thing people do now?” because nobody seems to be particularly phased by the act itself, but rather the question of whether or not it’s consensual.
