
You occasionally hear people talk about Tetris like it’s some extension of natural law, like it was some Platonic ideal snatched from heaven. When I finally “got” Dark Souls, that was the feeling I had. I think it was after I beat the Gargoyles, rang the bell, and hopped in the elevator, only to realize I was back at

The opening part of the game is relatively gentle for a Souls game, and rather linear. For me, the majesty of the original Dark Souls was the way it all daisy chained together the further you got, not only in level design and lore, but even the combat in a way. DS3 eschews that for fast travel, and it doesn’t really

It’s a thin division, and in a way his dominance has made it look thinner. The best thing for his career would be a loss to a strong opponent followed by a victory at the rematch.

I guess it shouldn’t be surprising that the Youtube rumor mill got a face, or that the tabloid mindset is gaining prominence, especially given the age of the audience. The fact that it’s one guy kinda makes me squeamish though. Given enough momentum he’s got kingslayer status (maybe he already does?) and I’m not sure

I think the surprising thing is not that “drama” is happening but that one dude has staked his claim as the TMZ of YouTube. In hindsight it seems inevitable but I would be happy to find out I was their first pantyless upskirt shot (or equivalent).

I’m glad I’m not the only one who saw the Rogue One trailer and thought “where are all the Bothans?”

Yeah, I’m with you. Cape comics in general are overpriced soap operas. Something worth while comes out maybe twice a year but buying into the megaevent linewide pull list is silly IMO. Too much investment for too little reward.

I was about to be offended but I just realized that when you think of 90's comics you think of FISTY MCBLOODPOUCH AND THE SCYTHEPACK and I think of Smoke and Mirrors: Darkly Dreaming, i.e. 90's Vertigo, which was a very interesting time. Under the shade of the rippling 90's superhero bubble, DC allowed a lot of

I dunno, I found Crazy Jane compelling, and the ladies of Seven Soldiers, but I don’t feel comfortable levying a defense - it’s been five years since I read those books.

Oh man, I agree but be careful. Lord Fanny is a very hot potato.

I dunno man, I might get flamed for this but I’m a white male and I like diverse casting. Both gaming and film have been circling around the same plotlines for years and have stagnated in a lot of places. More diverse casting, when it is for characters whose race doesn’t matter, still adds a slightly different

Not really, custom cards have been a thing for years now. As long as you don’t sell the product then there’s no issue. It’s in the company’s best interest to foster fan support, or at least not develop an adversarial relationship with their customers.

That’s the team behind the 90's Batman cartoon, the Superman cartoon, Justice League, and Justice League Unlimited. A lot of people think they’re the best superhero media outside comics. (and better than a lot of comics, for that matter)

Hatsune Miku is so strange and intriguing to me. I don’t really see the appeal, but the success of the merchandising is undeniable and the spread of the meme across 3 or 4 continents is highly impressive for a character that’s basically a shell. All from the personification of a synthetic vocal composite.

This is why I couldn’t hang with Punisher MAX. I love a bloodbath as much as the next guy but Frank’s so one note. He’s the character Alan Moore satirized in Rorschach played straight - so I guess it’s not surprising he’s fetishized by the fanboys.

But will it fill the void in my soul left by the DS/GBA metroidvanias?

It probably reflects poorly on me, but the thing I find most offensive is the lack of originality in the character designs. 80% of the characters have the same body type and are basically just hair & eye swaps, other than obligatory loli/flat chested girl.

Is Rinko Kikuchi still not a big enough draw in America? I had hoped Pacific Rim was enough. She’s a ringer for the ARISE iteration of the major. Maybe they offered it to her and she turned it down, but I seriously doubt it. Kitano’s good casting though.