Todd Anderson

Seriously, lordy mercy is this take off. I’m pretty far left and emphatically believe that criticism of Israel’s government is in a separate circle from antisemitism, but hoo boy are there folks on my side who live in the middle of that Venn Diagram.

As someone who lives on the left side of the political spectrum, one of our side’s worst tendencies is our collective insistence that our shit don’t stink. For all our smugness about red states and blue states, I’ve had way more racial slurs hurled my way on the streets of New York and LA than I ever did in North

Malina brings up some good points (aside from this assertion that ‘the anti-racist, progressive left often seems to tolerate and, at times, produce’ antisemitism”

I understand what Malina’s saying about permitted antisemitism in antiracist spaces. There’s a not uncommon sentiment I’ve witnessed that Jewish people, for all their history, are just another flavor of white. Of course, the thorny thing here is that sometimes that’s true and sometimes it isn’t. It’s a fun thing

I grew tired of Oliver’s schtick a while ago. His bread is buttered with the horrors he uncovers for a certain demographic that wouldn’t know about these subjects any other way than from the safety of their expensive open-plan homes. He’s talking to the descendants of the white middle class who watched Mutual of

No, the law firm in Philadelphia fired a guy for having AIDS while otherwise minding his own business at work. Netflix fired someone for leaking proprietary information and suspended someone for a day for intruding on a meeting they weren’t invited to... in other words actually doing things to disrupt or harm the

Is this where we overreact to a somewhat eye-rolling bit of cringe because it involves two people everyone hates and a show everyone talks about

You’re allowed to say what you want, but I’m also allowed to say that people only complain about “pandering” when minorities/women/LGBT+ folks are getting a hit of representation.  

How is having a new character come out as a typical sexuality pandering? I’ve been reading comics for forty years and I’ve been in online comics fandom for twenty. Most of the comics fans I know are gay or bi. Why shouldn’t the characters we read about reflect some aspects the lives of the people spending money for

I don’t think it’s so much defending his position as the right to state it. There are obviously calls to remove it from Netflix, which is hard to see as anything but censorship. I’d rather it be out there for people to discuss than be erased.  I also expect that people who agree with him were already predisposed

As wrong as what Chappelle said is, some of the calls to take his special down sound to me like they’re using “video games cause violence” logic.

Having a different opinion on the gender debate isn’t denying the existence of anyone, no matter how much you want it to be.

They’re absolutely right to defend this on free speech grounds. It’s scary how the art of not watching something you don’t want to watch has all but disappeared and sometimes it feels like we’ve reached a turning point where the left are calling for huge corporations to police speech. The special shouldn’t be taken

Agreed, it’s one of the reasons why I want a cast turnover is to see what the newer cast members can do. It’ll be a good jolt to the show.

Yes, the reaction on here is weird. Do Jews run Hollywood or do they not? When someone like Steve Bannon says it, it’s proof of anti-semitism, but in this comment section it seems to be acceptable?

MRS HUGHES: “Our son should have gone to medical school! But, no, you insisted he ‘follow his dreams’! Filled his head with that do-what-you-love crap!

To be fair they were pretty happy he didn’t return after their investment.

I’m sure the author of this piece, plus everyone in the comments and everyone on Twitter, would have totally put this powerful industry mogul in his place if they had been in Sorkin’s position.

Norm himself has told this joke, only the guy had a giant pumpkin-head. I think it was on Howard Stern.