
I really want Lucid to succeed. All the reviews say they are really well built machines and I think they’re good looking too.

Standard Oil would like to have a word with your alternate history.

So now we get weird 66.8% news sites that also have porn?

I’m sorry but I just can’t. This is the dumbest idea in the history of stupidly expensive cars. I haven’t had a visceral reaction like this to something in a long time, but this thing just makes me angry. Angry that it exists. Angry that almost a billion dollars will be spent buying these useless things, angry at the

Of the 275, 225 of them will sit in garages. 11 of them will be destroyed in accidents involving spoiled rich kids, 5 of them will be destroyed at car meet ups. 6 will be abandoned in Saudi sandstorms. 12 of them will be perpetually be sold and re-sold, 6 will be destroyed by catastrophic weather events. 7 of them will

I hear diesel just falls from the sky and is collected in buckets. Definitely zero downsides to this way of getting diesel.  It also produces nothing more than water, oxygen, and trace amounts of Old Spice when burned, so it’s great for the environment.

I think it makes a ton of sense, actually.

I think this is an exceptionally good idea, and frankly it should be applied more broadly to include driving larger trucks and SUVs.

I will confirm: Formula E is *boring*

Yes yes, we know. Poor little Amber who didn’t do anything. Who’s a living saint. Just a poor little victim. It’s all Depp’s fault. Newsflash, they’re both trash.

now if they’d only pull out of Ukraine...

stupid question, who’s flying to sri lanka?

Or fiddle-fucking around with his phone and not watching the road.

Perfect visibility, straight line, already almost out of its lane and no attempt at avoidance?  This driver needs a drug test, BAC test and logbook check...  Either high, drunk or asleep!

This Ford GT has better gullwing doors.

That grille. It’s...hideous. And the rear is no better.

I fully understand large cube farm employees not wanting to go back. I work for a small scale (20ish people) design firm and we have been work from wherever since before the pandemic. I prefer coming to the office everyday, I like the structure and I like having other people around to talk to. We also have some

Corporations have record profits. I think WFH has been OK for productivity.

Such good news.