
Okay, a few points. Not to get into an Obama-Bush pissing contest, but there is no comparison between the two here. The canard about “Obama lost the region because he failed to leave behind x number of troops” is farcical. One, the Iraqi government didn’t want this. Two, the American people didn’t want it. Three, I

So, the Bush’s are Nazis because of grandpa’s ties to Hitler?

I’m confused, Tyler. You excoriate Obama for not putting more boots into the fight against ISIS, ignoring the question of what comes after we “win”.

That’s like being reassured by the guy that’s about to pistol whip you and steal your wallet will indeed pistol whip you and steal your wallet. Trump is the most toxic person in politics right now that’s only exacerbating the toxic political climate we’re dealing with now.

You’re right. He’s a double-faced businessman that knows how to play to the fears of some of the people. He’d make a wonderful Grand Wizard.

As opposed to the blatant fear mongering, lying and downright fuckery by every other candidate?

-“After all, America’s military might can easily topple any third world government, the military part of the operation is not the challenging one; it is the political one that follows that is most perilous.”-

We can do math.

Russia has smaller, and lower quality, forces than Europe. Hell, a combo of France, Italy and Germany on their own have more men than Russia does - even with Russia’s conscripts factored in. Factor in the UK, Spain, Holland and the various smaller states and we probably have double the number of troops.


The F-35 will see continued development throughout it’s lifespan like all fighters. Just like the F-16 went from a simple airshow queen that was dead in any BVR fight to a multirole fighterbomber with lots of reach. Just like the F-15, originally a flawed superiority fighter with shit engines and plenty of issues is

1. This really was inevitable. Russia running combat operations and making frequent incursions into Turkish airspace was bound to result in a shoot-down eventually.

I have written about this a lot in the past and I will post a full article to justify my position. But largely, the Shuttle was a failure. Look at the requirements and investment and look what actually happened, it was not even close. The cost-effective, safe space taxi ended up being so expensive it locked NASA into

Sanders is the Bane of my existence = I don’t like his policies. A statement of personal opinion.

The neurosurgeon who wouldn’t criticize all of his fellow candidates who said vaccines cause autism? Yeah, I think he might actually be an ignorant fool.

Just because he was a neurosurgeon doesn’t mean he’s qualified to run a country. We’re talking about a man who wants to restructure our tax system on Biblical tithes and thinks our military is weak because it’s smaller than it was during WWII.

Sad that we in the US so naturally fall into the belief that shooting a gun is to cop as using a stethoscope is to doctor. There are a bunch of good cops in the world who have never had need to shoot a gun, even on a range. Even here there are plenty who haven’t ever had to shoot one in anger.

No effing way would I tolerate Fiorina as President. Se regurgitated her lines from all her rehearsals very well, and somehow, that makes her the “winner” of the debate. If you listen to her blatant lies and misdirections and empty-headed canned responses, you may as well vote for my Roomba vacuum to be President.

If you can’t publicly defend vaccines you arent much of a Doctor.

The media was reluctant to print the text of Bin Laden’s manifesto, but eventually some media outlets published it. It was years ago now, but the stated reason for the attacks according to the man behind them was to get the U.S. to stop meddling in Saudi Arabia and the rest of the middle east. Nothing in there about