
It did take place. But -

I think this ad is excellent too, but it does seem to aiming for a level of silliness beyond the usually pleasant but staid vibe of GBBO. But "horrifying" it is not.

Except because of that second difference, you get Morty's later "nobody exists on purpose" pep talk to Summer. If anything was the turning point for her, it was that.

He reposted a meme from The_Donald subreddit. There's no special significance of the video being reversed.

"…Crack-Up sounds like an artist trying to figure out where he stands and why he’s standing there."

Really nice to see the "both good turns and ill" theme echoed in Sweeney's complicity in Laura's death followed by his subsequent returning of the coin.

That's as it should be, don't you think?. You're in the dark because Shadow's in the dark. Even though I've read the book in this case, I found Legion ultimately rewarding for the same reason.

And yet… he's a pro. He knows how to hide his emotions. Plus inertia is a powerful thing. He and Elizabeth have a teenage daughter; that's how long they've been doing this. Rebelling against or even questioning the Center too often would have huge consequences, so we don't often see huge moments of

Though if Two Weeks is the only Grizzly Bear song he's heard, I can understand him drawing the comparisons he did.

The Lenny scenes were memories though right? Unless you meant ghost more loosely.

That's pretty clearly directed towards the idea of diversity in general, not just gay characters. Also, I put it to you that the fact they're discussing diversity privately at higher levels means it's probably more earnest than being "loud" about it, putting out press releases, etc. That could be construed as lip

In all likelihood, guests like Trump and Cruz would have pulled out of their appearances if he had played hardball w/ Bush. Wouldn't bet against Colbert… At the very least, he'll save his toughest material for appearances closer to the election. We Americans do not have the best attention span.

Probably the effect would be different if watching in a theater.

Hmm. Would have been a much worse pun if I actually thought that a coup was pronounced like what chickens lived in.

Owen Wilson in: Flew the Coup.

I don't think they'd only imply something so significant. Especially since she says at the end that she remembers that night, or enough of it.

Agree, Duck can't touch Quinn's black ops game.

Speaking of Snarf, the house in Too Many Cooks is a dead ringer for the Brody family house. COINCIDENCE?

Peter is Quinn's first name.

Kid does have chops. He already played the title role in Life of Pi and also that Jon Hamm baseball movie; if he's not A-list, he's on the way.