
Sutton laughing in her face and looking shocked at her behavior while making all of the barbs behind her back is the most southern way to fight back, and Erika knows it because she grew up poor in Georgia and spent her whole life trying to prove she was as good as the Suttons. Notice her insults to Sutton are that

Literally the woman who coined the term “alternative facts”:

As much as I try not to paint people with too broad a brush, it’s hard to ignore how many of the staffers of that administration are shitty human beings. 

Does anyone think that lying and gaslighting come easy to good people? Kellyanne Conway was hired by Trump specifically because she is a toxic and abusive person. Those were her qualifications for her job in the Trump administration.

So, you are of course boycotting anything made in China due to the governments continued cultural genocide and force labor of the Uighurs, correct?

The way things are leaking like a sieve at the WH right now, I’m almost more surprised that we haven’t heard about what I’m assuming is an epic tantrum.

Erika never doesn’t seem very, very cold in what she says and does, and Tom’s money is what she wants. She used it to bankroll her “fabulous singing career”, and she uses it to pay for the hair and makeup people who surround her at all times, Tom seems smitten with being around her vampy sexuality, and that’s all he

This screams Hooker Getting Married to Blowhard in Vegas.

I’ve found that when trash dudes use “likeable”, they really mean “bangable” because, in their eyes, a woman’s worth is inexorably linked to whether or not they want to have sex with her.

Let’s tone down the glee just a tad.

At least with Spicer his sweaty bumbling made it clear how much he was lying, just as Kellyanne decays more with every lie she tells as what’s left of her soul escapes. Sanders is frightening with her “jus’ folks” haughty Stepford casualness.

Damn it, I was hoping the headline meant Sarah Huckabee Sanders had released a video of herself doing “The Jackal.”

she just keeps looking beefier, lumpier, and more wonky-eyed with every passing week. 3 more years and shell be quasimoto.

There’s an art to the gift that can be regifted. It must be generic enough that the (second) giver could regive it to pretty much anyone, but not so plain that it’s clearly been regifted. Wine, for example, won’t do. Neither will food. It cannot be handmaid and cannot really have any sentimental value.

No more press core! But keep the press corps! FACTS!!!

Seriously. They should have sat there with a look of, “Don’t try this shit with me!” on their faces.

Co-sign, they should’ve walked the fuck out of the room with a look of scorn right after she said it.

The Press Corps need to put their collective foot down on ridiculousness like this exercise. This administration needs attention like a fire needs oxygen. Tell this dead eyed churchbitch to cram walnuts for a few days and see how fast they’d be done with childish bullying nonsense.

God I hate SHS. I hate her so much. She’s just so dumb. She’s sooooo unqualified. Her stupid air of superiority makes my insides melt due to the fiery hot rage it induces as my brain screams to be let to skip to a different reality where those tasked with public speaking know how to speak publicly. Where presidents

My point is that we as human beings classify things, I’m using the law as an example of how we inherently understand that some behavior is worse than others. What we choose to criminalize and how we punish is a reflection of our feelings, as a society, on the egregiousness of one act versus another. So, in this