
I got it mixed up with the other paper that broke a story about a famous man being accused of sexual misconduct. Me culpa. My point stands, though, and your (and Jezebel’s) attempt to deflect from that point based on a trivial mistake is frankly pure cowardice.

Yeah, my bad. Too late to edit. My point stands, though.

It’s possible she tipped in cash; I usually do. But I write “cash” where the tip goes and also write my total, because I’m not a lazy asshole.

You know nothing Julianne Escobedo Shepherd.

The survival rate is not low. It is zero. There are no long term survivors of this horrible, awful, no good disease. My sister-in-laws mother died of it. It is intractible and fatal in all cases (unless they die of heart attack, infection or get hit by a bus while undergoing treatment).

Glioblastomas are just a bad way to go, and you will definitely go from them in a fairly short time period. I’m so sorry for him and his family.

You may disagree with him politically, but anybody who went through what he did in Vietnam deserved to die in his sleep after a long retirement.

That is straight up “let them eat cake”. He’s lucky we decided to forgo guillotine technology in this country.

I really thought this was an Onion quote when I first heard it. Then I realized it was real life and crawled back into bed.

I’m not a hugger, Jerry has my support. I only want to press my breasts against people I know and very feel comfortable with.

Some guys buy sports cars. Some guys blow evil dictators. To each his own I guess.

God is smiting the Drumpfs since Eric’s mom obviously did Gary Busey