Prof. Lava_Hot

I was 21 in 2006, so I like to think it was very recent.

Wasn't AitO a remake itself?

Don't forget they made a Honeymooners movie with Bernie Mac(?). Also, The Wiz.

Hey, I will fight you to defend the honor of EotS!


Glenn served three years in the Marines. No doubt that informed his insanely convincing performance.

It was everything my little 10-year-old, spazzy video-game-playing self wanted. Take from that what you want.

Wasn’t Johnny Cage enough of a generic white guy already? I mean, he’s no Ken from Street Fighter, but he’s still pretty damn generic and white. And I say this as a generic white guy myself.

Catswoman, like Attorneys General.

I will never forget the image of her "enjoying" the periscope in the 60s Batman movie. I think I moved a little bit more down the boy->man transition. 

Even though I *know* that the Toadies’ “Possum Kingdom” was never used on the X-Files or a related soundtrack, it seems so appropriate for an one of their rural episodes that my mind puts them together.

Ugh, that fucking Papyrus

Not a big surprise. A lot of people get into studying their ancestry as a hobby.

Thankfully minus the awkward brownface.

Is she still an anti-vaxxer? If so, I definitely approve of her being in tears.

It's going to take him forever to apologize to each one.

No apology needed. We want your perspective.

Boy, I bet AVC sure hopes that somebody got fired for that blunder!

This is Spinal Tap got robbed.

Sooo...the SJWs* who run AVC who like to drag out everyone’s most offensive old tweets and love to retroactively call 20 and 30 year old movies problematic is running with a gushing obituary about a guy who regularly and unrepentantly said racist and offensive things?