Kind of a joke on how AVC white-knights the remake. And I don’t feel like mustering a defense for GB2 tonight, which I do like.
Kind of a joke on how AVC white-knights the remake. And I don’t feel like mustering a defense for GB2 tonight, which I do like.
Quick test: Name one classic or even recognizable good line or joke from Ghostbusters (2016).
It’s like you don’t even know how sexist you are for saying that.
Yep, I freaked out for a second about John C. Reilly dying.
Oh, Jar Jar was supposed to be a *lot* more
Same boat, man. Why was I reading Category: Defunct Counties of Nevada?
I think the existence of this article kind of proves his point.
If you're doing weird, random Wikipedia articles, might I recommend,_Nevada just because it never should have existed.
Have a star for the D&C love.
You do NOT move that chair in New England.
They know how to cut a check, mate.
Streep is in the do-whatever-the-fuck-she-wants part of her career, and rightfully so. She doesn't have to give a fuck about "prestige" or whatever. I'd kinda like to think she's choosing projects that are fun for her.
And to “stretch it out” to 30 minutes, they added wonderful songs that are undeniably classics. Seriously, that TV adaptation is perfect.
That would be good column fodder.
Nice job timing this entry to coincide with the start of the Christmas season.
Dude, we don't even understand Celsius.
Some day I want Barney to walk into Paddy's, especially when Charlie isn't there.
He got rich and he got complacent.
IDK. I had the first Mission Impossible movie soundtrack on cassette for some reason as a kid. I swear, there was a track that sounded like the MI theme song being dialed on a touchtone telephone. Either way, Lalo Schiffrin is an underappreciated master of fim score.
There is no such thing as watching Die Hard too many times.