I want to spazz out like the annoying 10-year-old I was.
I want to spazz out like the annoying 10-year-old I was.
Man, the parts of this article about Weinstein and decrying couch casting as a thing of the past have aged well, huh?
Off-topic: Since AV Club is going all SJW, is that why they never posted an article when Amber Heard got fired from Aquaman 2? They seemed to cover her saga pretty frequently until it looked like she might be the bad guy.
I too want to believe that the mid-90s were that recent.
BTTF will always be a 10/10 movie for me. But I like the fan theory that George secretly suspects that his younger son is the product of Elaine reconnecting with her high school friend Calvin.
Cynocoprophagophilia, even. Fuck, I hope I didn't just add that to my word suggestion dictionary.
That was way too fucking real to be funny.
Us white folk seem to be a pretty bad race. Look at what we've done on our run.
Who was dead all along!
Kinda helps they had so little quality to lose.
“Tom Made." "Oh?"
It started out as an adaptation of the Medal of Honor game series, but then they lost the rights and retooled it but they'd already paid for the title lettering.
I really liked the villain's plan in this. Detonate a nuclear weapon on a US base in divided Germany as a false flag operation. Very grounded for Bond movies, very Frederick Forsyth Cold War geopolitical stuff. The rest of the movie, no.
Only Shemar Moore's looked unusual to me. Something about that look. Otherwise I agree.
As a 3rd Rock from the Sun fan, her and JGL in this was good to see.
I didn't expect to see naked people when I opened AVC, butt I'm not complaining.
Conan O’Brien’s Masturbating Teen is the name of my Rick Astley cover band.
Did we just form a support group?
See also Persian Gulf, World wars.
I too remember liking that one, but I also liked moonraker. Child me was a fucking moron.