
Pretty sure this sure this guy is just working his way through Its Always Sunny season three and deciding every episode needed to be a few hours longer.

I'm going to be upset if he doesn't win an emmy for this episode. I can think of few dramatic performances on tv that rival how incredibly he delivered that last speech. I was floored.

I will never understand why someone would decide they think it might be true that vaccines cause [insert lie], which is so contrary to what we understand about medicine and contrary to the norm of preventative medicine, and then not follow up that curiosity by actually reading some evidence and seeing that there is

It really looks like the glee club got in some freak accident and now kurt's head is sewed on, and it works because duets!

That's definitely true in Houston.

Religulous is basically the only way I've ever enjoyed Bill Maher, there are definitely some really funny parts, but lets not pretend like that's a movie with some important message and mission to call out religions on their actual bullshit. He's not looking at religion with any kind of regard for what might be useful

Pretty sure he meant that he likes the message of support for homosexuals and their rights, but hates the way Macklemore gets that message across. Same way hey likes the opinions of Bill Maher, but hates the way his particular style filters those opinions. Doubt I'm wrong that that's what he was saying, but even if I

The decision of whether or not to set it so that the program deletes if the dvr is losing space often makes me genuinely think about how important the show is to me, then makes me realize I might care too much about being able to see a Simpsons rerun I've already seen twenty times.

Haha, just read to the third paragraph of the article, or do a ctl-f and search for "Bill Maher"

I'll admit that probably part of the reason I feel like I'm frequently hearing about how awesome he is has to do with me being a 22 year old college student, hence I know a lot of people who may be either too young to realize the various reasons he sucks, are just now realizing their views on politics and religion and

Not exactly a sacred cow since I've had a couple people tell/agree with me in real life that they hate this one, but the first one they did was on John Lennon's Imagine, and damn do I hate that song.

I've been living with my dad again the past year, and our dvr is absolutely filled with recorded episodes of "The Fugitive", "Combat", "Dragnet", and "Gunsmoke". Gotta say, I've really enjoyed watching all of them, but I wish the dvr wasn't always telling me it was about to be too full to record my shows…

Absolutely agree with this. This is why when people tell me how much they love him, I make sure they are also watching the Colbert Report. Part of what I think is so brilliant about Stephen Colbert on that show is that he can use extreme jokes in the direction of a conservative viewpoint, that are consistent with his

Couldn't agree more about everything he says, but in particular the passing comment about Bill Maher. When can I stop hearing from people how brilliant they think he is? He's just an incredibly smug, hacky dude with an hbo show. It's like they've never heard anyone with any remote intelligence support a liberal or

Shane Carruth. I only heard of him last year, when I watched "Upstream Color" and "Primer" over and over again every few weeks, but realizing how long between those two films, I'm pretty worried I'm going to have to wait until 2022 for his next.

Those damn young skinny dudes!

I liked him alot in Magnolia, but for me it's all about Reed Rothchild in Boogie Nights. That first exchange between him and Mark Whalberg at the pool party is so hilarious.
Reed: What do you bench?
Dirk: You tell me first.
Reed: You first
Dirk: Same time.
Reed: Ready?
Dirk: Ready. One, two, three… You didn't say it!

This reminds me ITS BEEN a while since I've played one of them pro skater games… I miss ridiculous cheats like double moon physics.

Saw a Madlib show with Dam Funk, Peanut Butter Wolf, and J Rocc at sxsw last Saturday. Best live dj set I've ever seen. For the last couple hours those four traded off the stage, choosing records to put on for each other to mix, it was amazing.
Haven't heard this yet, but I'm excited for it, and if anyone gets a