Prof Roy Hinkley

Man, Rod Rosenstein had time to pull the strings to get this lawsuit filed yesterday, all the while indicting multiple Russian assets?

The deep state is efficient!

True story. I don’t think Papa John reads Deadspin, so I’ll share.

“I grew up in a place where inexcusable and violent racism was the norm. Why can’t I use that as an excuse for my inexcusable racism?” - A larger swath of the South than just one loud-mouthed, employee-hating, Fox-guzzling, Manning-stroking pizza slinger.

I am not raunchy, but I am inappropriate at times

(I actually used the word), that I would never use that word,

“Dave Thomas called homos “fairies” for years, and I’m the one getting in trouble here?! Where I grew up, if you had a queer kid on your block you would just tie them to the back of a pick up truck and have us a good ole fashioned fa-

Papa John’s has evicted Papa John.

Sorry Papa John, any take-backs must be made within 30 minutes of the original apology.

“Papa John Has Regrets.”

Who needs a Kentucky Colonelcy when you can be an Admiral in the Space Force. 

Now THIS is how you apply for a job at the White House in 2018.

NASCAR sounds like a perfect spot for him to land his next sponsorship

Louisville now joins the ranks of things in Kentucky that dont have a Papa.

I think I’m sourcing this correctly

“I have no evidence and nobody has any evidence that John Schnatter is a racist,” the former Louisville trustee Bill Stone told the Louisville Courier-Journal.

“I think we have got to measure people by the sum total of their life, not a remark.”

That’s why they call it a Croatian Fire Drill

Before I watched the video, I thought you were joking.

That was criminal-action-comedy movie role played to perfection

Not sure why but all that gif makes me want to do is watch Cypress Hill’s ‘Insane in the Membrane’ video.