
I'd guess Agents of Shield characters plus marvels most wanted.

Without Kratz holding the press conference and announcing what happened I highly doubt that he even gets prosecuted. But Kratz couldn't back off and make himself look like a jackass.

Isn't it sad that it seems like Steve Avery is the smartest one of these people with a 70 IQ and having spent a good portion of his life in prison?

Just as much as Kratz, that fucking sketch artist bastard is one of the slimiest fucks I've ever seen.

Agreed, this is the biggest issue with the whole thing. The Dassey kid (from everything I've seen) just had nothing to do with anything that happened and got trapped by people in a room and forced into multiple bad confessions.

Between Dassey and his Mother are exceptionally upsetting.

And just like in Jessie Misskelly's confessions mentally challenged people often break down quicker and easier just to get the people to stop asking them questions and let them go, they will tell the police what they want to hear.

The defense on the bullet was that there were a lot of bullets laying around, because they frequently shoot guns on property. I don't know that it was ever presented that there was brain matter on the bullet. There wasn't enough material for there to be more than 1 test and the test should have been ruled inconclusive

The biggest problem is that I don't know what other questions he can legally ask there. I am not a lawyer, but Strang seems like a pretty bright guy, I would assume if he could ask something he would.

For me it's all about never talking to the cops without your lawyer in the room.

They looked for prints in the car, Avery's attorney claimed that although his blood was there somehow, none of his fingerprints were found on the car.

Oh Not Chess. JFC.

They are all made of boiled fucking leather. Or lobstered steel. While drinking arbor fucking gold.

To Me Dany has to wrap up her shit in Essos, Go to Valyria and Dragonstone (which is going to happen), get to the wall to stop the Zombie apocolypse which rallies the North to her cause and then rain down fire on Kings Landing. Now tell me, do you think GRRM can get this done in 2 books? Not a fucking chance.

Except he types on either a type writer or a word processor so when he does this, editing all that shit is a nightmare.

Quentyn Martell is just the most infuriating thing, and why exactly am I supposed to give a shit about Dorne?

I don't think we will ever read a GRRM book that involves Dany getting to Westeros, he doesn't have the discipline to make it happen. It sure as shit isn't happening in WoW, and I dont think he ever writes a Dream of Spring.

Dorne sucked out loud in both the books and the show. It's completely unnecessary.