Technically he is married, but the marriage hasn't been consummated, since he's too young.
Technically he is married, but the marriage hasn't been consummated, since he's too young.
It was Ben Carson, who seems to be trying way too hard to be the next Herman Cain.
I think he's been waiting to do Lear until he's old enough for the role.
Sheev isn't from the EU, it's from the new canon novels, which are completely controlled by the Story Group.
It's the basic three-act structure that about 90% of all fiction follows. And just because something follows a formula, doesn't mean it's bad or "undermined". Is Star Wars undermined by showing how it follows the Hero's Journey?
"There’s a thing (SHIELD) and a bad guy (Pierce) and the bad guy steals the thing, so they fight. They lose one fight (Fury's "death" or BW and Cap forced to flee SHIELD) and then they lose another fight (highway fight/capture) and then they win the last fight (Battle of the Triskelion). The end."
No, Agent May is Mulan.
She's got a newborn baby, I imagine she wouldn't want to work on a TV show full-time, especially since her husband aleady is.
I think it's probably more of a "see him now, before he's gone forever" type of thing.
Did I stumble into a DC movie?
Hillary Clinton killed him. That's why the Republicans are so upset - it was their favorite show.
"Rowling wrote a version of it in 2011"
Perhaps a…Civil War?
John Snow? More like "Nice Try, Internet"
The Genesis Device
We saw the entire Council in Winter Soldier - Pierce killed them all (except the one Black Widow was disguised as).
Also The Clone Wars film, scored by Kevin Kiner, which had a theatrical release.
It's only the one in the first episode. The rest of the series deals with the fallout.
Swinging a baseball bat wildly at other kids (including Quinto's son), and then he kicks Quinto in the shin.