
[some spoilers]

IT’s been a loooong time, of course, but I’d always felt that the importance of the scene/character had little to do with gender, and maybe him being male was meant to emphasize that. Shinji was terribly lonely, had profound abandonment problems, effectively having lost both mother and father.. He was

I’m slowly beginning to realize that I needn’t buy games on other platforms anymore, even old classics, because they’re all coming to Switch eventually and that’s where I’d probably rather play them.

Your continuation of the analogy seems apt. I could see that sort of mentality being present for many. I wish they would realize that there’s more than enough cake for everybody, and additional cake customers would only allow the bakery to expand and make higher quality cakes.

I’m an American-English speaker, and Yolanda’s published usage seems erroneous to me. I don’t think it’s a UK/US difference that I’ve ever heard. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was just an editing error, like when you go back and change a sentence or finish an idea so long after writing the original sentence that

Watching Terra, “Vicks,” and Wedge march across the snowy plains to Narshe in the opening of FFVI was so stunning to me at the time. The beautiful music, mode 7 effects, falling snow, and title cards had a cinematic feeling that back then I never imagined could come from a game. It floored me. Gave me the feeling that

On the subject of pedantry, effect can be a verb. It’s uncommon, though I heard it all the time in the military. It can be used to mean “to bring about/to cause,” so you could say “Strong leadership will effect greater readiness in the unit.” or something along those lines.

Bacta tanks would be pretty handy.  

I think perhaps the use of the root-word ‘sport’ helps delineate the level at which it is being played. Take fishing, for example. It is arguably just a hobby, and a pretty non-athletic one in most cases. There is a subset of fishing, though, which is sport fishing. It designates a competitive version of fishing that

I was sitting here wondering how I missed new episodes of The Longest Journey (and also thinking it was pretty non-sucky) for quite a few minutes.

Yeah, I don’t know what happened with Bravely Second.  I LOVED the first one, even level-99'd the whole party, but the second one has sort of languished and I don’t really know why.  I’ve also stalled out on BotW, but I still expect to get back to it eventually.

Fear Effect for the PS1. The controls were absolutely unplayable for me. I couldn’t get 5 minutes into it, and it’s the only game I’ve ever returned.

Well, another way to look at it is that the two combined cost 40 bucks..  That’s not so bad for all 8 games, but by splitting it, you have the option to only get the first 4 or last 4 if you don’t care for/don’t want the others and you get to save 20 bucks that way.

Controller-Jamming Scandal Rocks eSports World!

Several comments here seem to be an illustration of False Consensus. I’m hearing lots of “Here’s why I personally don’t want to get indie games for Switch,” as if that forms a strong argument when actual real world sales figures are defying the link between that commenter’s habits and the habits of the Switch using

Sounds like maybe an embolus. He’s lucky it didn’t land in a vital organ.

As a tanker, this article speaks to me. So many times I’ve debated whether it’s worth pointing out “No, that’s not a tank actually. It’s a Bradley.” Also, speaking of Brads, is that the CACTF from Rod Range I’m seeing in the BFV photo?

Blast Corps., an old school Platinum-Trophy challenge before Platinum trophies. Though, I remember some old games publication you had to “basically be a god” to get them all.

Jeebs, I feel like this is such a negative outlook.. Art is gorgeous (everybody click on the link!), but I agree perhaps people were hoping to see more of her work presented here. I know I was. What led you to crowbar-in something about the characters being female? Feels needlessly divisive and even apophenic. Have

Make no mistake. This is a tactic to protect their initial sales. Basically they saw the backlash and got scared it would hurt that precious early window of purchases, which would hurt the viability of online play and then things would spiral down.. So some slick B-school hero said “Just placate the idiot gamers. Take

I tend to try to take the Business-perspectives at Nintendo into consideration. They tried the whole “Have the strongest console” thing with N64 and Gamecube, and neither really dominated the market. Then they made Wii, which was clearly weaker but innovated to capture previously underrepresented markets, and they