
I’m not trying to encourage sympathy for this type of game cheater, but it’s hard not to think it’s because they basically lose at most other things in life. When you experience victory through skill, or especially training and hard work, you come to respect those values and find that winning without them is hollow

This reminds me a bit of some articles I’ve read on combating verbal abuse in person. Speaking up to defend the target of an abuser does introduce the risk of escalating the situation and riling up the troll even more.. But... Perhaps try to combat it by simply providing validation and support to the gamer who is on

ITR: People dropping acronyms and initialisms as evidence for their arguments, not realizing that those are two different grammar constructs and the accepted standards for one don’t usually apply to the other.

Army beat them in football last December. I think that says all you need to know.

“If you’re gonna be one...”

YUP.. Only reason I clicked on this story was to join in the annoyed croaking about how “8-BITZ!!” has become a useless bromide that people employ whenever they see something mildly retro or lo-fi sprite-based. It’s more of a “How to tell the writer was too young for 8-bit games” indicator.

As a big Vive fan, I might not ever pick up PSVR, but this is great news. Decent install base = development. That’s the biggest takeaway for me.

I have no beef with the episodic releases, but still wanted to star your comment for my enthusiastic FFVI-remake support.

YESS!! I’ve always gone on and one about Link’s Awakening being the greatest Zelda masterpiece. Apparently others agree, but I’d never met anybody in person who liked it all that much so I felt like maybe I was off target. The characters were so much more interesting than other games, the quietly tragic ending was

Ah yes, in the face of a withering business model, executives cling so desperately to their margins that they will enact policies that hasten the death of their business only so that they continue to reap larger rewards before the whole ship has gone completely under. It’s better than accepting a smaller bonus in

It did have a certain uniqueness to it, though, which meant it didn’t necessarily have to be a primary console. Having a good PC made the XBox kind of pointless, and there were only a handful of PS4 exclusives I couldn’t just get a usually-superior version of on PC. So the WiiU was really nice in that not only did

But us poor Mac Pro owners! You can throw a GTX 980 in a Mac Pro, install nVidia drivers, and it works just fine.

::yawn:: Sure, would’ve been nice to get a couple matches in, but this is a small price to pay for the bans. 10/10 would support a ban again. I’d rather play a different game (just got DOOM at 50% off!) than play with cheating children.

Stay behind a bar the whole time making drinks? Talk about being perfect for Vive...