First impressions:
- 21st century clothing but no guns
- Claustrophobic level design
- Puke-worthy combat animations
- Terrible AI
- looks like Dragon Age
- definitely Bioware quality
First impressions:
- 21st century clothing but no guns
- Claustrophobic level design
- Puke-worthy combat animations
- Terrible AI
- looks like Dragon Age
- definitely Bioware quality
Really not digging the visual style. It looks like an iOS game.
Few things more disheartening than the Io9 comments sections WRT the intersection of art and science. You guys are the worst sometimes.
That's touched on in "The Gift of Fear." That these people are not heroes, they are evil they are losers and deserve NO attention. BTW, it's a fantastic book. I recommend that and "The Sociopath Next Door" often. Really opened my eyes. All y'all — trust your gut and stay safe.
I kinda loved that they said from the very first episode, "God is responsible for this" and when that turned out to be entirely true, people flipped.
Unfortunately, I did end up occasionally selling porn that I had a problem with (Max Hardcore's a pretty good example), because I worked for a store where I had no control over inventory and would likely have gotten in trouble if I'd refused. I did silently judge some people's choices, I'll admit—and some of those…
Hm. Good point.
Yes. See Thonyc's last three posts on this topic:
And Dungeon World is D&D for non-grognards.