Professor Bananahot

Yeah, I have almost no knowledge of worlds 3, 6 and 7 because I spent so many plays whistling past them…and they have some amazing levels.

I've got to learn more about this "Leatherman" figure.

I'm gonna get movie snob shit for this, but Inception really gave me pause. Not really for the story it tells, but just the damned adventurousness of the whole enterprise…visuals and sound that after a long string of movie bummers were the right thing at the right time to say: "there are still crazy ideas to express"

The only pore people I want to hear about are the people who attend to my pores at the spa.

Yeah, up yours, The A.V. Club

fell into a black hole, son.

At least I'll leave a beautiful corpse!

Second! The two hosts are clearly enjoying themselves doing every second of it. It's an idea for a podcast I wish I had thought of first. And since Our Favorite Family have jumped over an estimated 300-350 sharks, they can keep doing this for years.

I don't even think Oregon has 1,500 fat guys.

1500 a day? So, at maximum sunshine in Astoria, 15 hours and 41 minutes of sun per day…that's…one every 38 seconds?

As I recall, D.A.R.E. was a whole lot of screaming in your face: "Just say no!" but they never provided an explanation of what drugs are, what they're called, or what they look like.

Oh, that's what those miniature Bibles are for!

In Texas there are neither Ho-hos, nor Yodels…is it a Ding-dong?

Ooh! I forgot my favorite Hermes line of the entire show!
I tallied almost three hundred bananas for this!

The A.V. Club
I'm an appalling failure! A big fat one!

I love Three Hundred Big Boys for its large amount of Judge Whitey appearances.

The A.V. Club

Give the gypsy more money!

Aw, I've never heard of any of those guys!

Space wasps ate the space bees that ate the space hippo that ate the different, smaller kind of space bees that ate the old crew.