Professor Bananahot

Scruffy's gonna die the way he lived.

Now Ned Flanders has laryngitis and a bad back, so he won't be saying anything or doing anything!

The A.V. Club
This is less fun than previously indicated.

Wait a minute! Bender's name isn't Bander! It's Bender! You're a fraud!

I always get to a scene where it implies that the divorced parents are going to be back together by the end of the movie, and then I start playing with my phone.

Not this dinosaur. He blew all his money on instant lotto tickets.

Tacky overpriced souvenir stores!

Of all the props, costumes, cels, models of all the films ever made…I want Leslie Nielsen's fart machine the most. Not just to admire either, but to use.

Ow! My sperm!

His whole zany plan is nearly ruined because he is TOO MANLY to do anything but piss standing up with the door open!

So is it like the recent Modern Family episode that takes place entirely through Mom's iPad screen? Does our protagonist do a lot of online shopping for today's fashions at low, low prices?

Stupid Rabin Garbageface!

Why do you think I took you to all those Police Academy movies? For fun?!

The A.V. Club
At least I'm doing better than Dad!

C'mon, Lasty!

Go Dad Go.

Cheap meat!

Next item up for bidding: Krusty's bed!

I'd..also like to express my fondness…for that, particular Cosby.