I suppose hating on the inexplicable hit sitcom The Big Bang Theory for portraying nerds poorly is like hating the…
I suppose hating on the inexplicable hit sitcom The Big Bang Theory for portraying nerds poorly is like hating the…
That didn’t make sense ,but now there is no one standing in his way ,maybe he'll bring his kid Lumpy on board as the new First -mate.
Have you considered that maybe you just don’t like Star Wars?
I want a good movie, unlike the last five live-action ones.
You know the part where he sees 3-PO for the first time, how he rolls his eyes and looks super annoyed?
Dear sir, allow me to tip my fedora and congratulate you for your comment...
And I’m guessing Coldhands sent you.
Ah so Arianne Martell must have sent you.
I really thought the title read plot and I was trying to figure out why the producers were being so hard on the bad plot choices they’ve made.
Here’s to hoping that Mass Effect Andromeda will help ease the pain, provided that EA doesn’t stain it too much with their grubby, greasy, corporate fingers.
Few authors have as much power to draw you in with fun characters and thrilling adventures—and then crush your…
You could say the same thing about Peter Jackson after Lord of the Rings.
Is that why we now get recaps of Shadowhunters, but not The Flash?
The Powers That Be have said there will be no more Recaps on io9 for any shows, except the “most popular ones,” whatever that means.
S’too bad the show she’s on fucking sucks.
They made it so!
People hate Newt? Those people suck.
Let’s all just keep sending out those thoughts to prevent Blomkamp from having anything to do with the Alien universe ever.