Little Edie

THANK YOU. I'm about to teach a section of my Intro to Women's Studies class on "Institutionalizing Relationships" and most of the reading is about the "wedding industrial complex." I pity the person in charge of discussion that day because they'll have to submit to a ten minute rant from me about it... beginning with

I'm hoping for "Alexandra" but I'm biased as I was named for Queen Alexandra and I just want the kitsch and a whole bunch of crap with my name spelled properly on it.

"I'm pulverized by this latest thing!"

As someone who was just diagnosed with Vulvodynia this makes my foof hurt even more. Like I need one more OB-GYN telling me there's something inherently wrong with my being female. I'm already traumatized and now this? Yes, please, I want "Vulva by Mattel," just one more thing that I'm supposed to do to my foof to

Maybe Santa should bring the author a brand new (50th Anniversary Edition! shiny!) copy of Strunk & White.

I thought that there was a possibility that I might earn my MRS Degree on the way to my PhD, but as someone who went into a PhD with two Master's Degrees already, a husband wasn't really on my "To Do" List. I just wanted (am still dissertating) that PhD. I actually told a guy I didn't want to date him because I was

I'd hang on that lane line.

hahahaha wow, flashback to swim team! That is so true: "Get off the lane lines!!!" I kind of want to yell it in that "Risky Business," "Get off the babysitter!" way...


Ditto. Mr Edie asks curiously, "Why do your abs stick out like that? Did they grow like that?" *poke* Like I'm a fucking science project. He finds them fascinating and they are not flat.

I need a flow chart for Saudi in the Olympics: first it's a go, then it's a no, then this team didn't qualify, but these three people are allowed to compete. There should be a gold medal for who is the biggest Wahhabi Asshole.

THANK YOU. Seriously, someone needed to point that out.


Oh my goodness, that is so awful!!! What happened to me was I had super disrespectful roommate that I couldn't get rid of, my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer in November and had to have a mastectomy, my Dad died suddenly three years ago of an aneurysm, and I'm an only child. That basically kicked-off my

I always kind of want to see the Queen swing that handbag at someone. Just wind-up and bam! Preferably that person would be Mr Blobby, but I'm open to suggestions.

lol Aww!!! Now that is my kind of sexting: strawberry shortcake and whipped cream! Sounds like an excellent aphrodisiac.

Thanks for the suggestion!!! That's the one thing that hasn't been suggested to me yet, mostly because 9/10 there is no yeast and not DNA present from other strands. Everyone just stands there mystified. I think it's Vulvodynia (very mild, but still aggravating), but hopefully the specialist will know what's going on

OMG WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE??? I wish I had my doctor's face on camera when I said, "I had the Depo Shot." I wanted to be like, "Don't judge me pal, I have a yeast infection right now that starts in my vagina and ends in my rectum and I'm not in the mood!!!" IUDs *open* the cervix? And where did he go to medical

Mr Edie wouldn't know how to sext if his life depended upon it and frankly, I think I would die laughing if he did attempt it.

Excellent! And it's true that the Bible is the most erotic book ever written, a fact that can easily be deduced if you know what good eroticism is... and now I have flashbacks to Mexican nuns having cosmic sex with Jesus from Senior year of college. Thank you, AndPreciousLittleofThat, that's just what I needed. xx