Professional Widow


Okokok. So I know this isn't really appropriate because it's not a story of interruption, but I'm just so excited that I want to shout it from the rooftops.

He will be avenged!

I see what you did there.

Yeah, and considering Brittany was 17 or something at the time, it's just even worse.

Dat Kate Mulgrew voice.

An entire portion of my life is due to Tori.

Thin and crispy makes me angry. That's not pizza. It's crackers with toppings. And I have to have practically a whole one to feel like I ate anything. I guess it could be a great hors d'oeuvres platter though.

Cool dude, and also very right, only minks should wear mink.

I'm guessing the mink ain't laughing.

This sounds delicious. Terrible, but delicious. Why do I have to be knocked up?

I hate hate HATE the phrases "baby bump" and "hubby". They make my skin crawl.

Quick, someone get Jackson Galaxy on this!

I have the unretouched images. I take checks and money orders.

But where are the untouched photos?

How much are you paying for the unphotoshopped images?

Speak for yourself. His one (and ONLY) expression makes me want to punch his face.

I did get excited at Britney shaving her head. I was hoping she was going to get all Sinead O'Conner empowered & we'd have a brand new Brit.

It's definitely tough, and it's really hard to say anything about it because it is really easy to look like the jerk. I'd just give it some time and hope they'd come around. I have plenty of fuller-figured friends with whom weight isn't an issue and we rarely even bring it up. And then I've known skinny and overweight

More likely Annie Leibovitz has just taken to saying "fuck it, completely, who cares" when putting together composite images.