Profesor Cerebrón

Speaking of Tony, there's one little detail I liked about him. When Spidey is trying to keep the suit he says something along the lines of "but, I beat Captain America!", and Tony's like "Trust me, he could have knocked you out if he really wanted to". That line felt so genuine because we know it's true; we already

Australia, have you been up all night watching Simpsons on a loop?

"So that's it, huh? We're some kind of Justice League."

"There's a reason Rip made me the engineer of this ship."
"You're the only engineer on this ship."

Rated PG-13.

The dog not being real was such a dark twist. I thought the flashbacks of David playing with King were an adorable reminder of David's good old days, but now we know it was the Yellow dude who has been messing with him from the beginning. What a show!

Wait, I'm confused about the Oscars. So La La Land knew that internal affairs were setting them up?

At this point I'd be more willing to pay for a Lego DC cinematic universe than for the live action one. A buddy cop film with Superman and Green Lantern as the annoying partner would be pure gold.

Yeah, that didn't make any sense, they just did it for the sake of drama. I actually thought they were going to Star Labs; that would have been nice.

Wow, you're right. I had never thought about that, but I can see the resemblance. Fun fact: John Lennon was suffering from a cold while recording "Twist and Shout". Anyway, both are memorable vocal performances.

I'm more of a rock guy, but I'm gonna pick "Chandelier" by Sia. I still remember the first time I heard that song on the radio and I was blown away by her voice; it was such a powerful vocal performance. Plus, it was nice hearing something different on the radio, instead of the generic, upbeat pop songs.

Empire of the Clouds by Iron Maiden; beautiful song. Listen to it with your headphones on. I get the chills during the part with the morse code; it feels just as if I was there.

The whole album is goosebumps material, but the one track that does it for me is "Us and Them", especially when the sax kicks in.

Was it just me, or did Leon suddenly disappear after arguing with that basketball player? Is it possible that he's just another Elliot's persona?

That scene where Kim "suggests" that Jimmy should get rid of the evidence reminded me of when Skyler asked Walt to kill Jesse in Breaking Bad. Of course, the latter was much worse, but I think there's some sort of parallelism. It seems like Kim is now more accepting of Jimmy for what he truly is.

Lol. When season 4 premiered I was pretty sure that Laurel was the only one who was safe since she was the Black effin Canary. Boy, was I wrong!

I had the same reaction as Cold when Chronos showed up: "Oh, not this guy again!"

Seriously. She and Oliver Queen should call the League of Assassins and ask for a refund. They get their asses kicked by street-level thugs all the time!

The new Deathstroke was way too young. Did Ollie lost to a 13 year-old? That's bollocks!

How many times do you think they're going to kill Vandal Savage before he dies for real? It's getting kind of boring…