
Citizen Journalist is a bit of a pretentious term for bloggers.

But apple dont care about royalties, they clearly stated they want to destroy android and thats why they started this whole patent stuff.

I assume they would cover the sidewalls in for production wheels? It seems like getting muck and stones lodged in there could impact the wheels absorbing properties, so would be better to block it?

A city bag with external pockets. Maybe a crime free city. It's a nice bag and I'd like it, but I know them pockets would attract pick pockets. I'd also be worried that even if i didnt use them and left them empty the pick pocket might go for the larger compartments.

What if one parent is abusive, then the protection of the kids means you must use them to protect them, Unless you think that because someone is a parent they have a right to be abusive or be negligent to their child.

No one is denying he has talent... For losing his temper and beating women...... But is it enough for us to give him money? I say no, mainly because his music is shit. He beats rhianna and hangs out with justin beiber LOL

But samsung sell more phones and emmm, they dont make silly demands.. So why should she or anyone meet the demands of someone who simply isnt in a position to make them? I mean htc have nearly overtaken apple too.

Picard was actually reading a book on a kindle e-book, its not a tablet. Apple invented the Tablet concept and didn't rip anyone off in the process.

Phaeton was released, its on sale, and it lived up to promise, every car magazine from topgear to any other amazed by its refinement and its quality. The reason they are not on forecourts is the same reason you dont see 7 series on forecourts, you have to go in and ask them to order you one in, unless youre in a

No, Africans and Aborigines are missing the Neanderthal DNA, They are unsure of any differences this causes, but you just have to look at Asian and European civilisation and then at African and Aboriginal to see that maybe missing the DNA accounts for more hunter gatherer like activities, and the Neanderthal DNA

Well all it really says, is if anything happens the SAS will arrive after to secure the area and clean up, I mean Mi5/6 are the real people who stop a terrorist attack BEFORE it happens, I mean what are the SAS going to do against a lone suicide bomber? arrive after its gone off to clean up and point at mi5/6 for bad

Although we think of japan as a space age technological marvel, the truth is their government is made of humans. Humans who are rife with corruption, criminality and people who just don't care about the ordinary japanese person.

Scoth is Whisky, not Whiskey. Scotch was poor knock off of Whiskey from Ireland where it originated and America where it was brewed to high standard, The Scottish did it so cheap and to such a poor standard for export to America that they were not allowed use the same spelling, so you had the good stuff Whiskey and

Well apple only paid him a dollar a year. I doubt he paid much tax, His children on the other hand will be hit hard.

I think this is tragically sad. How apple let a terminally ill man work as he was dying I don't know. To then use that as some kind of "its ok jobs helped us make a 4 year master plan" as some sort of spin to make people feel secure with their future is a bit sick and creepy.

It was actually sony who broke the 310 pixel per inch with their xperia x1 back in 2008, apple barely improved on their screen 2 years later with the iPhone 4.

Yet France who used to be the same has a massive growing binge drinking problem among their teens, So does italy making this research out of date already. Modern living creates binge drinkers, its as simple as that.

You do know your left hand and right hand are different, right?

This video has nothing to do with depth of field, although it is part of the illusion

The first toshiba product that comes out supporting blu-ray will be the end, it can not be more over than that. It will not help them AT ALL..