Steam really isnt that great.
Steam really isnt that great.
nor unprofessional
Truly the part I really don’t like is the one where JJ hires all his buddies for bit parts. It was annoying. That doughy dude from heroes.. When you actually want to talk about ep 7 cribbing off new hope and Empire, let’s talk about bringing back Porkins using that dude from heroes. No stone unturned.
Of course it was Jar Jar Abrams always does the same things.
An even worse problem is the very nature of the Starkiller Base.
Indeed. If Mars exploded tomorrow, I don’t think we’d be able to see that in the middle of the day. And we’re in the same solar system.
Indeed, almost want someone to ask if anyone has ever explained the speed of light to JJ. I know most people might say it’s silly to talk about physics when watching a SW film, but that was really egregious even by space fantasy standards.
It was the worst part of the Star Trek reboot movie, having Spock watch Vulcan implode, then no one mentioned it to him after that? I’ve watched VII four times, and I haaaate that part. There’s some handwaving about how it’s a laser that fires into hyperspace (so, presumably the laser scatters a little and sends a…
Yeah, I had the same thought on using the name Ben. I actually made a noise of disgust in the theatre, apparently. My friend told me he nearly burst out laughing because of the noise I made...which would have been a really inappropriate time to laugh. A really inappropriate time.
RIGHT?? RIGHT!! Ben is what Luke would name his kid, NOT what Han and Leia would name theirs. I rolled my eyes so hard.
Only part of the movie that made me groan in pain.
Think of Phasma as the comic relief and you will be alright. She’ll probably bang her head on a door and be attacked by Ewoks in the next two films.
Oh thank god. Thank god. I have been saying this since I saw it and literally NO ONE else has asked this question that I’ve heard. They wouldn’t see a planet in their own solar system blow up like that, let alone one thousands of light years away. Those planets would have had to be in VERY CLOSE orbit to be that big…
I absolutely buy Rey becoming strong with the Force, because she’s clearly got an innate ability and every time she encounters Kylo Ren he shows her more stuff.
Not one mention of JJ Abram’s apparent inability to understand the speed of light and interstellar distances?
So basically the entire movie was great, except the whole plot thing.
It was the same plot device JJ used in Star Trek, where Spock watched Nero blow up Vulcan from the surface of a completely different planet.
One thing that bothered me- how does everyone see Starkiller blowing up the Republic? I mean, there’s no way Han would see that explosion simultaneously from Takodana unless Takodana was in the same system as Hosnian Prime.
You left out the biggest: