
Excellent article, thank you! I've been struggling with the weight gain that has come from age— I was focussed on how with age comes a metabolism slow-down compounded by injuries. I used to be a great runner (as in, I absolutely loved long distances) but over the last few years various injuries have meant lots of

I work from home a lot and I know I get distracted by just about anything so I do not have a tv in my office. Anyways I know others where having the tv on is like a nice background and they get hours of work done happily without feeling like they need to leave the room to get some outside connection. It's sounding

Now playing

"I can see you, I can see see you, with my magnifying glass."

And what's coolest about all of this: my experiences (including any I have not shared) are NOTHING compared to some others. :-) Whoa, there's some crazy unpleasant stuff going on out there!

I have no idea what other people do. Go without? I have a waist belt for water, my key, my pepper spray, and my ipod (the earbuds pull right out of my ears if it's on my arm. Yet another mystery to me as to how others manage to do it.) But I want pockets for my kleenex — stupid nose always running — as well as other

Ha ha! MELODRAMA. (Mine wasn't embarrassed ever about it. Told friends I had bewitched him into the relationship.)

My best story was when I broke up with my boyfriend in college. I'd been dating him for 3-4 months and it never really was very good. I made the mistake of breaking up with him at my place (never never do that). He proceeded to cry, laid out crucifix-style on his back on my living room floor! Every once in a while

There are two of us out there! Damn allergies. I once complained to a sports store guy, who came over to ask me if I needed help while I was looking for running shorts, about how FRUSTRATING it was that clothing manufacturers refused to put pockets on women's clothes. He didn't believe me, but was game enough to

What? No more Zellers?? I've been away from Canada too long.

What's lame (old) about me is that I only really gave a shit about the fact that you spelled Tootie's name wrong! Although pretty great headline!

Funny! My brain went with "Claudia".

Me too, particularly the (perceived) inability to succeed! I realized it in grad school when I'd break down sobbing at how I'd never be able to get the homework done (and by extension anything I ever would try in life to do), and it's ALL SO HOPELESS. Everything was hopeless. Then next day or 2, the fog would clear

I think I just laughed for 2 minutes straight watching your gif. And I am not showing any signs of stopping.

These are ex boyfriend stories for a reason. :-) But I think for one boyfriend it definitely was a power struggle. I wanted something from him, I was stepping out of line for initiating (it's his role), and he felt I needed to be punished by withholding. And not big humiliation, but shitty little things like "Oh, is

Me too! Punished with nothing, and maybe some bonus humiliation, just for mildly initiating.

When I first glanced at the text I read it as "ET: Guardians of the Galaxy" and got momentarily excited about a movie with ET coming back to Earth to defend it in an inter-galactic war.

Here's the full shot with Zusi back in view.

Funny, isn't it? Part of me thinks it's very cathartic and helpful, like I've artificially worked out some big emotional problems and now feel the wonderful release after .. but the other couch-dwelling part of me doesn't want that extreme experience just right now.

One of the biggest reasons why this is important is that it shows first-hand the impartiality of science rather than the school of common sense. Scientists who discover new data that contradicts their earlier findings will frequently, as Gibson did here, publish follow-up papers that basically amount to "my bad, that

My hair is also fine although there's a lot of it, a couple of inches past shoulder, and wavy more than curly. I spent 20 years blow drying it straight, which worked in very dry places like San Diego, but here in Seattle I finally accepted defeat and for the last year and a half have let it go natural. I use Deva