Procrasti Nate

Agreed. In context it would have made more sense for them to be supportive.

The police station scenes were bad. I couldn’t believe that they didn’t contain the C4 separately. Explosives in the same room as other evidence. What.

I thought Nobu was incredible. Murakami was bland.

I didn’t think the Hand’s objectives were confusing. It was pretty clear what they were going for. My issue with it is that the story wasn’t as solid as it should have been. I thought it was okay but could have been better. I think this was the series that would have benefitted from 13 episodes so that they could

Plus, they made their point. The show doesn’t need to beat us over the head with it as if viewers are too dumb to grasp that Danny Rand is privileged as a rich white dude.

Agreed. He was much better in The Defenders. It’s obvious that the actor had more time to get in shape and prepare for his fight scenes. Scott Buck also shouldn’t have been hired to do Iron Fist in the first place.